Tasting The Rainbow {10}

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A.N.- More pictures I took on the Feel Good Now tour :) LOOK AT DAVID PAVLUK'S EYES. I didn't even edit them. They are legit that blue. Ahhh :') He's the beautiful man I chose to represent Adam lololol :) And the other guy is Stephen, who represents Zelly :)


                                                                                ***Zelly’s POV***

                I knocked on the Jones’s door and Mrs. Jones let me in. “Hey Clap. You going to help me babysit my sister tonight?” Clapper shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

                “Mom! I’m going to help Zelly babysit tonight!” he called. Mrs. Jones entered the room and smiled. “Well, that’s nice of you Marco. Is your homework done?” He nodded. “Yea. Plus it’s a Friday night. So even if it’s not, it’s no big deal.”

                She shook her head. “Procrastination is bad, Marco,” she said sternly. He raised his hands in defeat. “Okay, okay. I was just saying. Chill out.”

                “Marco Jones! You do not speak that way to your mother!” Mrs. Jones snapped and he sighed. “Sorry, sorry.”

                Mr. Jones came into the room and nodded at me. “Hello Zelly!” “Hi Mr. Jones,” I said with a smile. “I hear you’re really thriving in school this semester,” he said. Barely hearing him, I cocked my head to the side. “I’m sorry, what?”

                “Thriving. It means you’re doing really well. You dumb chink,” Clapper said. He suddenly frowned deeply and groaned. “Marco!” his parents cried in horror.

                “I was just kidding! He knows I’m just kidding!” he whined. “How dare you say that to Zelly! Come with me right now!” his mom snapped, storming over and grabbing his ear. “No! I don’t want to deep throat the freaking soap!” Clapper cried as she dragged him away.

                “I am so, so sorry about that Zelly. He just doesn’t know how to shut his mouth,” Mr. Jones said with a deep frown. I shrugged and laughed. “It’s okay. I know he’s just messing around.” Mr. Jones sighed and shook his head. “That boy. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s my son.”

                Clapper came out a few minutes later. “I can’t wait until they find out that soap is poisonous, and then she’ll hate herself for doing this to me,” he grumbled in annoyance.

                “Marco, respect your mother. She does it because she cares about you, and doesn’t want you to be a rude young man. They get nowhere in life,” Mr. Jones said sternly.

                Clapper grinned. “Man, if you think I’m disrespectful, you should see the guy Zelly likes.” I elbowed him roughly and glared. “I don’t like him, Clap! I just met him!” Clapper laughed. “Sure, Zelly. Sure.”

                His dad brought us back to my house and we went inside. “Bye boys. We be back around midnight. You staying over Marco?” Clapper nodded. “Yep, Mrs. Zellerman,” he said.

                My mom came over and gave me a one armed hug. “Bye Barry. Be good!” “I will mom. Bye,” I said and she and my dad left the house.

                “Dude, your mom was in mad chink mode tonight. Did you hear the way she was talking? Broken English for the win, bitches,” Clap said and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t make me shove soap down your throat.” I smirked. “Or my dick.”

                Clapper shook his head. “No thanks. I choke on small objects. And I only like things made in America.” I sighed in annoyance. “You asshole. Rose!”

                Rose came bouncing over to me with a smile. “I’m hungry Barry!” “That’s what I was going to ask you. Grilled cheese?” She nodded eagerly and I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen, followed by Clapper.

                “So you definitely like Adam, or my name isn’t Marco Jones!” Clapper said fiercely. “Marco Herbert Jones,” I corrected and he pouted.

                “Shut up! They didn’t name me that. Thank god.” I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Marco Giovanni Jones, whatever. He’s attractive, but I don’t have a crush on him. I just met him.”

                Clapper watched as I began to make Rose her grilled cheese. “You totally like him. Damn, I sound like a girl. No offense Rose. Oh, you’re 6, what do you care? You probably think I have cooties. What was I saying? Oh yea, you like Adam Ace.”

                I sighed. “Maybe a little. But he’s obviously straight. You saw the way he was acting with that girl.” “Zelly, go after him,” Clapper said with a smirk. “How could he not want to date a chink? That would be racist of him. See, you can’t lose!”

                “Go die in a hole, Clapper.” But I mentally sighed. I liked Adam. I knew I did. A determination to get him to like me settled into me, and I gladly accepted it. 

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