Tasting The Rainbow {19}

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                I spun to face Adam. He glared at me as I stood with Clapper in the halls. “Come here,” he growled. “Uh…I’ll text you later, Clap,” I said and he shrugged as I walked over to Adam.

                He led me through the hall and outside. We walked down to the student parking lot in silence and he led me over to a Honda Civic. He nodded at the backseat before getting in the passenger seats. A little awkwardly, I got in the backseat and shut the door.

                “Hi,” Kobi greeted with a friendly smile. “Hi Kobi,” I said with a small wave as I put my seatbelt on. Adam plugged in his iPod and blasted “We’re All Dying Anyways” by JJ Demon.

                Kobi pulled into a driveway a few minutes later and we all got out of the car. “Let’s grab food,” Adam said as Kobi opened the front door and led us into the house. He nodded and we followed him into a kitchen.

                A woman looked up and smiled. “Hi Kobi! Hi Adam!” “Hi mawm. This is Zelly,” Kobi said, nodding at me. “Well hello there,” she said with a friendly smile. “Hello ma’am,” I said politely.

                “Mawm, do we have food?” Kobi asked, opening a cupboard. “Well yes, Kobi, we do have food. What exactly are you looking for?” his mom asked. He thought for a minute before looking at me and Adam and shrugging. “Chips?”

                His mom opened a different cupboard and tossed a bag of chips at him. “But save room for dinner!” she said sternly. He nodded and smiled. She smiled back and gave him a one armed hug. He came over to us. “Mah woom?” he asked Adam and Adam nodded.

                I followed the two of them upstairs to Kobi’s bedroom. We sat on his bed and began to eat the chips. “Adam, can I ask you something?” He nodded and tossed a chip into his mouth. “Do you do drugs? Or, sell them? We heard rumors like that about you. I don’t believe them,” I said with a shrug.

                He coughed on the chip and shook his head. “No. Fuck drugs, man. I got fucked up off weed once and that was it for me. I don’t smoke, either. Or drink. I’ve never been drunk before.”

                He glanced at me curiously. “What about you?” I shrugged. “I’ve never been drunk before, never smoked a cigarette, and only smoked legal once. It freaked me out. I felt like I was stuck outside of my body. Never again, dude. Never again. What about you, Kobi?”

                He shook his head. “I don’t do dwugs. Ow dwink,” he said. “Oh please. You’re the biggest drug addict I know,” Adam said. Kobi pouted and Adam smirked and jokingly punched him. “Just kidding Kobi. Although Addison is convinced you’re secretly a drug addict.”

                “Dwugs awe gwoss! Nasty sit!” he said and made a face. Adam laughed at him and rolled his eyes. “I agree, though. Drugs are nasty shit.” I nodded in agreement.

                “So what are we going to do?” Adam asked, eating more chips. Kobi and I both shrugged and he rolled his eyes again. “You guys are helpful,” he growled, the ice back in his voice.

                “We could watch a mo-vay ow some-ting,” Kobi suggested with a slight shrug. “What movie?” Adam asked. “Um…Sweeney Todd?” Adam shook his head. “Man, fuck that. We’ve seen that movie so many times. I could probably recite the whole fucking script. It’s a good movie, but I can only watch it so many times.”

                He glanced at me. “What do you want to watch, Zelly? Some Chinese movie?” “Hey! Racist jokes against me are reserved for Clapper and Clapper only,” I said with a pout. He raised an eyebrow. “I’m Adam mother fucking Ace. I do and say what I want.”

                I rolled my eyes. “What’s your middle name?” I asked curiously. “Gregory. Adam Gregory Ace,” he said. “What about you?” “Brendan. Barry Brendan Zellerman.”

                “Your name is Barry?” he asked and I nodded. “Yea. Barry Zellerman. You thought my real name was Zelly?” He shrugged. “It’s all I’ve ever heard anyone call you. Besides chink.” I sighed and shook my head. “Racist piece of shits,” I grumbled.

                “You dant wook wike a Bawwy,” Kobi said curiously and I laughed a little. “Yea, I guess not. But it’s what my parents named me.”

                “Kobi!” his mom’s voice called from downstairs. Kobi sighed and got up. “I’ll be wight back guys,” he said before leaving his bedroom.

                “Thanks,” Adam said quietly. I gave him a curious look. “For being nice to Kobi,” he said and popped a chip in his mouth. “He has a really, really bad speech impediment. A lot of people make fun of him for it. He’s extremely self conscious about it. He’s always had it, but it go even worse when he fell out of the tree. He can’t pronounce “r” and has a lot of trouble pronouncing “l”. And he talked slow.” He shrugged. “So thanks for being nice to him. He’s my best friend.”

                “I would never make fun of someone for that,” I said seriously. “That’s fucking heartless, dude. He can’t help it.” “Do you get bullied for being gay?” he asked, grabbing my eyes with his own. I nodded. “Yea, but it’s to be expected. I don’t care. I just ignore it. I’m Zelly and I’m gay and proud.”

                “Yea, pride is good,” he said, nodding. I suddenly realized we had somehow, at sometime, moved closer to each other. My heart was slamming. “So…you’re gay?” I asked and he shrugged. “Bisexual, and open about it. You just never asked.”

                I laughed softly. “So that’s all I had to do?” He nodded. “Yea. I’m not ashamed to be bisexual. I’m proud. It’s who I am.” We had moved even closer. “And…I’m glad I’m choosing to open up to you. You won’t abandon me. Something in your eyes says you won’t,” he said quietly before gently pressing his lips to mine. 

Tasting The Rainbow [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now