First day at the Faze house

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Phoenix's POV

I got off my plane and headed straight for my luggage once I picked it up I headed straight for the entrance.

I saw Alex but he hadn't quite noticed me yet, I ran at him and jumped on him he grabbed me and spun me around whilst I had my head buried in chest.

"I missed you Alex, home isn't the same without you!"

"I missed you too Phoenix, come on let me introduce you to the others"

Whilst we were leaving the airport we got loads of glares of people because of our show, we got to the faze mobile and I hopped in whilst Alex puts my bags in the backseat, he turns the engine on and we're off to the faze house.

The faze house was only about 20 minutes from the airport so on the way we were listening to logic and singing along. I was getting really nervous, what if they don't like me? What if they think I'm strange? So many thoughts raced around in my head.

"Phoenix come on we're here!" Alex said whilst jumping out and picking my bags up, I got out and Alex locked the car door and opened the garage, in the garage there was a black Audi R8 2017, well I know that's Nordan's car from Alex's video.

"Wait here whilst I put your bags in my room and then we'll head up" Alex said.

"Okay" I replied.

He came out a few seconds later.

"Let's go then" he chirped.

We headed up to the living room were I was greeted by the boys

"Hey, I'm Tommy or Temper" a muscular, tall guy with dark black hair, brown eyes and a beard.

"This is Lucas or Blaziken" Alex told me pointing to a guy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, this is my sister as well Lucy" Lucas said pointing to a very pretty girl with silvery/white hair and icy gray eyes, I smiled and waved at her and she returned.

"That's Teeqo or Jakob" He has blonde hair with blue eyes.

"This is Cheo" He said pointing to a guy with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"That's Apex or Yousef" Alex said whilst pointing to the shortest man out of all of them he has jet black hair and brown hair with a beard.

Then he pointed to a tall man with brown hair but dyed blonde on top and dark brown eyes

"And this is Nordan" Alex said pointing to him.

"Hey, I'm Phoenix" I said to all of them.

"Hey" They all said in unison.

I could see in the corner of my eye Nordan looking me up and down with a smirk on his face, I ignore it but giggle a little, I think Alex picked up on what was happening because he grabbed my arm and lead me downstairs to his room whilst we recorded a video together.

"Hey what's up you guys its Alex or Faze adapt here and today I'm with my younger sister Phoenix today for some call of duty:modern warfare 2" he said for his intro.

"Hey, I'm like a minute younger then you!" I said whilst slightly pushing him and pouting.

"Yeah and your my little sister!" He said whilst chuckling, I rolled my eyes.

"Can we just get on with the video?" I said in defeat whilst holding my hands up.

"Fine" he said laughing.

We played split screen team death match on highrise.

"WOWWW, TEAMMATE GET OUT MY FUCKING WAY, OH MY DAYS IMMA STAB YOU, YOU BASTARD!" I shouted at the screen whilst Alex laughed. I spawned in and was walking out of the building when Alex 1080 fade trickshotted me.

"ALEX WHYY?!? WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME BRO?!? AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed at him."

"Yoo, final killcam too" he said sounding proud of himself.

I gave him a death stare and he stood up slowly walking backwards towards the door, I stood up and he bolted past Nordan into Nordan's room.

"RAIN! HELPP MEEEE!" He shouted from inside Nordan's room.

"Yo bro, what's going on?" Rain said taking his headset off and laughing.

"It's Phoenix she's gone insane" at this point Apex and Blaziken had come down, they probably heard screaming and ran down to see what's up.

I saw Phoenix and she was red with anger.

"Yo, Phoenix chill" I heard Apex say from near the stairs.

"He trickshotted on me!" I said with about trying to look cute because I didn't want to scare them.

"Aww it's okay Phoenix" Nordan said.

"Oi Rain hands of my sister she off limits" I heard Alex say through the door.

"Wow bro your scared for life from your younger sister and your worrying if I'm hitting on her" Nordan said laughing.

"Yeah man" he replied and we all laughed.

"Soooooo.... Is it safe?" Alex said.

"Yeah" Blaziken said chuckling.

Alex slightly opened the door, popped his head around and looked to see if I'd calmed down.

"You guys honestly think she's sweet don't you?" He said to the guys.

"Yeah, she's so innocent" they all replied.

"Dudes, she's the spawn from satan himself" he said looking at them like there stupid. I stood there rocking back and forth with puppy eyes looking so innocent.

"Look Alex, she's innocent stop over exaggerating." Nordan said putting an arm around me, I smirked at Alex and laughed.

"You watch she's gunna have red eyes and horns soon" Alex Objected

"And get your hands off her" he carried on, we all laughed.

I walked into Alex's room and put on my pyjamas it's really hot so I put on a plain black tank top and pyjama booty shorts and I wiped my makeup off and stuck my hair in a messy bun, Alex turned around.

"No"  he said in disagreement.

"What?" I said in confusion.

"You are not wearing them in a house full of boys" he protested.

"Well it's too hot, so I'm going to, now you get changed I'm going to brush my teeth" I said rolling my eyes.

"Is that it over there?" I said pointing to a room next to Nordan.

"Yes now hurry up, they are not allowed to see your booty!" He disapproved.

I walked out into the bathroom and left the door open whilst I brushed my teeth in the mirror I could see Nordan looking at my booty.

"Yes?" I said turning around after I spat out the toothpaste. He spun round as quick as possible.

"Don't worry I won't tell Alex" I whispered, walking past him with my finger running against his back.

I got into Alex's room and hopped into bed, he turned the light off and jumped onto the bed crushing me and we both laughed.

Today was a good day, I like it here at the Faze House, everyone's so kind I don't know why I haven't come before!
Tomorrows going to be a good day!

I drifted off into a deep sleep.


What do you thinks happening with Nordan and Phoenix?😉

First chapter of the story!

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