He fianlly asked!!

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Phoenix's POV

I woke up, and realised Alex was already awake but I couldn't see him, he's probably with Nordan, I walked out of Alex's bedroom as soon as I went to Nordan's set up I realised Alex and Nordan weren't down here I brushed it off and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I take out my untidy French braids and stuck it up in a messy bun. I put Alex's stussy t-shirt out and put a different pair off joggers on. It was a pretty cold day in New York so I got on one Alex's jumper and out it on.

 I walk upstairs to the kitchen and realise Yousef and Nordan were filming a video and Alex was stood behind the camera laughing I went up to Alex

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I walk upstairs to the kitchen and realise Yousef and Nordan were filming a video and Alex was stood behind the camera laughing I went up to Alex.

"What are they filming" I asked Alex.

"There filming a remake of cringy musicallys"


I get a shaker and put some gamma fuel in it, I realise when I was reaching for the shaker I was in the camera view I apologise to Yousef and Nordan and they nod and whisper "it's ok" I go to the living room and see Nicole and Lucy sat there again.

"When are we filming this mw2 video" I asked them.

"Now if you want" Nicole said.

"Sure, we should go ask Nordan, Jakob, and Lucas so we head different ways to each person, I head to Nordan and whisper behind the camera.

"Hey can I borrow your setup for a video with Nicole and Lucy?" I whispered.

"Sure" he whispered back with a smile.

I head down to the basement and sit at Nordan's set up, I turn on the Xbox 360 and the monitors I turn Nordan's Skype on and call Lucas's Skype and Jakobs they pick up and Lucy and Nicole answer.

I invite them to a mw2 match, we played for like an hour most of the time I was screaming because I was getting angry.

"Okay guys this is the end of the video, thank you Lucy and Nicole for being here there links will be in the description. Give this video a like and comment, if your new here subscribe at the note, byeeee" I say my intro and we end Skype and I start editing today's video, when I get a message on my phone:

So how did you feel about last night?😉 xxx

Hmm... Let me get back to you on that one😉 xxx

Oh come on you know you liked it xxx

I guess😏 xxx

I turned my phone off and carried on editing once I was finished I started to upload it. I got up from Nordan's set up and go up to Lucas's room to see Nicole and him talking so I message him to help him out abit

Lucas (the sloth)
Just do it you pum, I know you like her X

I opened his door a little just so they couldn't see I see him pick up his phone and smile and place it back down again. I walked downstairs to the living room were mostly everyone was we were watching the Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz fight when Nicole and Lucas came down.

"Guys we have something to tell you" Lucas and Nicole said in unison.

"YOUR PREGNANT" I shouted giggling a little as Nicole rolled her eyes.

"No, we're dating" Lucas said proud and out a arm over Nicole.

Everyone jumped up happy. I hugged Lucas congratulating him.

"Thank you Phoenix if it weren't for you this wouldn't of happened" he whispered in my ear.

"No problem, now my next target"

"Let me know if you need help"

"Thanks" I said as we parted and I went over to Nicole.

"Omg when's it due?" I said jokingly holding her stomach and she slapped me.

"Ouch" I said to her and she laughed.

I hugged her and congratulated her, and I went to Alex and just looked at him and waited for him to talk.

"What?" He asked.

"When can I get my answer retard?" I said to him.

"Hey I'm older that makes you the retard" he proclaimed.

"Yeah well I got all the good looks" I said and flipped my hair and he laughed.

"Fine, you can date my friends, if they hurt you I will literally break them" he said whilst eye rolling.

"Thank you" I said happily.

I walked up to Nordan and kissed him... Again, when we pulled away everyone has there mouths open in a O shape, Nordan looked nervously to Alex all Alex did was nod.

"Does this answer my question from your text" I whisper in his ear.

"yes" he replied.

Nordan got everyone to close there mouths so he could announce something, I looked at him strangely and he turns to me.

"Ive liked you ever since I laid my eyes on you, and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend." He asked nervously.

"Of course I will" I said whilst kissing him on the lips as he returned.

Sorry for the short upload, but thank you for over 100 views, means a lot!!

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