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Phoenix's POV

It was about 10 am when Hope woke me up.

"Mummyyyy! Wake up!!" She shouted as me and Nordan both got up and laughed.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"I'm fine, but mummy, daddy guess what?!" She said excitedly.

"What?" Nordan asked intrigued.

"It's Halloween soon!" She said skipping around the room as I giggled.

"Yes it is, so what do you want to be this year?" I ask her.

"Ohhh mommy can I go as Minnie Mouse, pleaseeeeeee?" she pleaded.

"Of course honey" I reply with a smile.

We all head upstairs from the basement, and were greeted by Nick, Lucas, Nicole and Jakob

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We all head upstairs from the basement, and were greeted by Nick, Lucas, Nicole and Jakob.

I stuck Hope in the nursery where Destiny, Tate, Jaci, Josef and Harry were.

The nursery was a pale blue colour but a section was pink for the girls one half was full of WWE figures, cars etc and the girls side was full on dolls, princesses and barbies. Tommy, Yousef and Alex set it up for the children and I couldn't be more grateful to them.

We were all talking in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, Nadeshot invited us to a Halloween party" Nordan proposed.

We move to California about 3 years ago and it was a great decision for all of us, our friends Matther Haag (Nadeshot) invited us to a Halloween party and I was up for it.

"Yesss can we go" I say, giving Nordan the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course we can, and it's suitable for kids too" Nordan proclaimed.

"Okay" I say.

"Finally some fun instead of moping in this house 24/7" Jakob said excitedly.

I looked over at Nicole and Lucas who had there hands intertwined together, I look over at Nick who just had a blank expression on his face.

"Okay, cool, I'm in" he says bluntly.

Lucas looked over at Nick sadly and then looked back to Nicole as they walked to the living room and sat in the couch.

Me and Nordan sat in the kitchen with Nick I made some toast as Nordan spoke to Nick.

"Hey you alright bro?" Nordan asked.

"Yeah" he replies bluntly again.

I could tell Nordan was giving up trying and went on his phone.

Sharna's POV

"So err, I just spoke to my mum and asked her for a name" Tommy murmured.

"Yeah..?" I respond.

"Her n-name is Sharna" He responds.

I'm Tommy's sister.

Nick's POV

I head upstairs to see Sharna staring out at the wall.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah" she replies.

"Have you got an memories back yet?" I ask.

"No" she replies again.

Of course I knew she was lying I've been dating the girl for about 7 years I think I know of she lying or not.

"You do realise I've been saying you for 7 years, I know when your lying" I say chucking.

"Okay then I have remembered a few things" she replies giggling, something I haven't seen her do in a while which have me a warm feeling inside.

She explained to me all the flashback she was having, our first date, finding out she's Tommy's sister, having Destiny and Tate and a lot more.

I take her down to the nursery where Destiny and Tate were, Sharna saw Destiny and Tate and a smile spread across her face. The two children ran up to Sharna and embraced her into a hug, she starts tearing at the eyes as we head into the kitchen Nicole, Lucy, Phoenix, Jakob, Lucas and Yousef were all there as soon as they saw Sharna smiling and giggling, everyone looked at each other smiling.

Nordan walked up to me.

"Hey, is Sharna okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's slowly starting to remember again" I reply

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