Eye colours changing!

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Phoenix's POV

I woke up with Nordan's arms wrapped around my waist I try to get out of bed but Nordan's grip gets firmer.

"Nordan I have to get up" I said whilst giggling.

"Nooooo, 5 more minutes" he replied with his morning voice.

"Pleaseeee Nordan" I reply dragging the 'e' at the end of please.

"Fine" he replied whilst pouting and folding his arms whilst falling back to sleep.

I tucked him in as he smiled in comfort and I walked out of our room down to the kitchen where I was met with Sharna and Nicole.

"Hey" I say rubbing my eyes.

"Hey" they reply in unison.

"What are y'all doing?" I ask.

"Just making breakfast" Sharna replies.

"Eating some lucky charms out the box with no milk" she say in confusion.

"Retard" Lucy shouts whilst coming down the stairs laughing.

"Wow that's just mean" Nicole replies.

"Just the truth" I laugh.

Lucas walks in.

"Aww don't worry babe your not that much of a retard" Lucas says.

Nicole walks off in a tantrum and jumps on the couch as looks follows her.

Lucas's POV

"You know I love your retard moments" I say sitting next to her on the couch.

"Reallyyyy....." She replies in a cute voice.

"Of course I do" I reply and kiss her.

Once we pulled apart her eyes beamed an icy gray colour.

"Nicole your eyes" I said shocked.

She turned around quick as possible and I could see her blinking really quick, once she'd turned back round her eyes were back to her normal colour.

"Y-Your eyes... They turned an icy Gray colour" I stuttered.

"Maybe it was just the lighting" she replied edgy.

Was she keeping something from me? Was it just the lighting? I thought as I was staring into her eyes.

"Hellooooo, Earth to Lucas are you alive?" Nicole says waving her hand in my face.

"Huh?" I reply.

"You were staring at me and it was kinda creepy" she replied.

"Sorry" I reply kissing her again kind of hoping her eye colour would change again, now that I'm really curious but the didn't.

Jakob's POV

I wake up next to Lucy I look at her as she peacefully sleeps, she looks adorable.

"Why are you staring?" Lucy asks as she flickers her eyes opens and giggles.

"Sorry" I reply quickly.

She gets up and heads to the bathroom where she brushes her teeth and adjusts her hair, she walks back into our room and sits on the bed, I couldn't resist it much longer her blue eyes looked so inviting we leant in and our lips connected and it felt right, once we pulled apart I looked at her eyes they weren't the blue inviting once I remember, they were a glowing green colour, I looked at her in shock.

"Why do you look shocked?" She asked confused.

"Why are your eyes green?" I ask in shock.

"Probably just the lighting" she replied quickly turning round, once she looked at me again they were the inviting blue colour I remember, I just nod not believing it was the lighting.

We left our room and headed down to the kitchen, I handed a bowl to Lucy and some cereal. Then I went over to Lucas and pulled him aside.

"Errrrrr I need to talk to you man" I say to Lucas.

"What's up?" He replied.

"It's Lucy, her eyes turned a glowing green colour, I'm not sure if it was the lighting or something else" I say kind of nervous.

"It happened to Nicole but like an icy gray colour" he replies.

"I'm not sure about this Lucas, somethings going on" I reply.

"I know right" Lucas says.

We walk back over to the others and act like nothing happened.


I know it's a short chapter but should I make the eye colours to do with the lighting or should I make them mythical creatures🤔

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