Cleveland, Ohio

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Phoenix's POV

We loaded all of our luggage into the faze car and hopped in, then we were on our way to the airport.

Once we got there we took all of our luggage and headed in, we reached were we had to wait for our plane (I've never been on a plane do i don't know what happens sorry it's not detailed) we had about an hour before we had to board, so I went to Starbucks with Nicole and Lucy.

Me and Nicole got caramel mocha's and Lucy got a caramel cappuccino. We sat in Starbucks for a while talking.

We spent about 30minutes talking and then we made our way back to the boys.

"By the way guys were meeting one of my friends in Cleveland Ohio" Lucas announced.

"Ohh I know who" Lucy jumped in as Lucas looked at her and laughed.

"Yeah him" Lucas chuckled.

Me and Nicole looked at each other kind of confused but laughed a little. We ended up boarding our flight a little early and I sat next to Nordan on the flight.

The flight was 1/2 hours, so I slept for most of it.

Once we were about 30minutes before landing Nordan woke me up.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hey beautiful" he replies and kisses my forehead and I smile.

30 minutes later-

Our plane landed and we got off and headed for the entrance we called two cabs for all of us to fit in, Tommy had booked us a house for the weekend.

Once we got there we all piled into the house scattering around into different rooms, me and Nordan shared a room, Nicole and Lucas also did, Tommy and His girlfriend Morgan, Alex and Yousef, and that leaves Lucy and Jakob, Lucas's friend and his girlfriend were having the extra room.

Me and Nordan pulled out luggage into our room.

"Who's Lucas's friend" I asked curious.

"They've been best friends ever since they were young and you'll have to wait and see" Nordan replies whilst chuckling.

"Okaii then" I laugh.

After about 10 minutes off scrolling through Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, Lucas calls us from downstairs.

"GUYS CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE!?" Lucas shouted through the house and we all made our way down the stairs.

"This is Nick and his girlfriend Sharna" Lucas introduced them to Me and Nicole because the others boys already knew them both because they've stayed at the faze house

"This is Nick and his girlfriend Sharna" Lucas introduced them to Me and Nicole because the others boys already knew them both because they've stayed at the faze house

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"Hey" Sharna said shyly with a kind, warming smile.

"Hey" me, Nicole and Lucy replied in unison.

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