The day of the wedding

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Phoenix's POV

It's the day of mine and Nordan's wedding and Lucys doing my makeup as Nicole's doing my hair.

Sharna was helping Destiny get into her cute little dress and doing her hair.

Once Nicole and Lucy had finished helping me they got into there dresses as Sharna got into hers and started doing her makeup.

Once Nicole and Lucy had finished helping me they got into there dresses as Sharna got into hers and started doing her makeup

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"Oooo we all look fabulous" Nicole shouts

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"Oooo we all look fabulous" Nicole shouts.

"I know right" Lucy replies.

"This wedding is going to be gorgeous" Sharna says.

"Thank you, me and Nordan (mainly me) put a lot of time into this" I giggled.

Nordan's POV

"What's up brotha" I say to my special best man.

"Yo Nordan, thanks for asking me to be your best man, it's been years since I saw you" my best man said.

"I know right, I missed you dude" I say back giving him a brotherly hug.

"I missed you too" my best man replies.

Phoenix's POV

We get into the car which was going to take us to the reception, I chose a reception instead of a church because I am not religious like at all.

Once we arrive Destiny, Nicole, Lucy and Sharna start heading down the aisle as Nordan's best man came out from round the corner everyone gasped.

"Ricky" I said tears threatening to spill.

I hadn't seen Ricky for years, we met the first time I ever went to the faze house but he moved out because some shit went down and I never saw him again after that.

"Hey girl, by the way you look flawless and I think you need to get yo ass down here to get married to Nordan" Ricky giggled pointing towards Nordan.

I carried on walking down the aisle as the girls were stood behind where I was meant to stand.

I climbed up the little stairs which were there as Nordan grabbed my hand, we stood facing each other as the priest said his vows.

"Do you Nordan Shat take Phoenix Hamilton to be your wife" the priest asks holding the vows In front of him.

"I do" Nordan replies with his goofy smile which made me blush.

"Do you Phoenix Hamilton take Nordan Shat to be your husband?" The priest asks me, looking straight at me, I stood there gazing at Nordan anxiously as all these people were watching.

"I do" I finally stuttered out.

Nordan slipped the ring onto my finger as I did the same to him, the black one is mine and the gold one is Nordan's

Nordan slipped the ring onto my finger as I did the same to him, the black one is mine and the gold one is Nordan's

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"I know pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the priest says with a smile.

Me and Nordan lean in and we kiss, the kiss was passionate as everyone started cheering I could feel his smile through the kiss, as sparks explode in my stomach.

We exit the room with Destiny and Tate and head into the the car which was going to take us to where we're having dinner.

Once we arrived we sat at the top where me, Nordan, our parents, best man and bridesmaids were sitting, the rest of the guests are sitting on the other tables.

The chefs brought out the food, as people were saying there speeches, let's just say every speech brought a tear to my eyes.

Once we finished the food we had to wait upstairs whilst they set up the dance floor and the DJ set up his set up.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in this uncomfortable dress and heels, they finally let us downstairs and once everyone was packed on the children started playing as the DJ called out.


Nordan held out his hand as I took it he  pulled me towards the dance floor, as the DJ put on slow music I put my hands around his neck as he put his hands around my waist and we slowly started dancing.

"I love you Phoenix" Nordan whispered into my ear.

"I love you too Nordan" I whispered back.

Once we finished dancing I went over to the bar and brought some drinks, getting myself drunk on a good night.

The rest of the night was a blur.

Next morning:

I woke up with the biggest hang over and a naked Nordan lying next to me.. What the fuck happened last night, we were in a hotel were most people were staying as I think a few faze members are coming back to the house for a few days.

I got up and got dressed and went and knocked onto my parents room where my children, sisters and parents were in.

"Congratulation" my parents said giving me a kiss on the cheek as my sisters came running over to me.

"Omg your so lucky" Milan stated.

"Your wedding was gorg Phoenix" Sydney said as Vienna agreed to both statements.

"Thank you" I reply hugging each of them.

I can already tell my life is just going to go up from here...

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