Chapter 17

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"Haru." You frowned.

"Ah, hello my little girl." His voice sung.

"Don't you dare call me that. Anyways, is there anyway to cure Bowser?"

"From what?" He asked.

"Don't play dumb with me." You growled.

"Okay, okay, there is one way."

"And that is...?"

"Only if you release me, and let me see your child as soon as I can."

"What are you up to?"

"Is it wrong for a grandfather to want to meet his grandchild?"

"You'll never be their grandfather, or my dad, but very well. Just tell me how to cure Bowser."

"Fine, fine, fine. What you have to do is use this to take away the marking. Eventually, it'll stop and his magic will be back to normal." Haru explained, handing the exact same thing Haru had originally stabbed Bowser with. 

"What do you mean by 'eventually'?" You questioned. 

"Within a week or so. Now let me out!"

"I'll let you out when Bowser is back to normal."

You ran up the stairs and found Bowser looking over the edge of his balcony.

"I found out how to fix this."

You handed him the blue contraption and backed away. Bowser held the tiny objects between his fingers.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Stab the marking."

"Whatever you say." Bowser sighed, doing as he was told.

You looked away, not wanting to see his pain. A couple weeks had passed, and Bowser had almost fully healed. Thankfully, none of those pesky plumbers had tried to save Haru yet, but you knew deep down they would come back for him. You woke up one morning, the bright light from the lava hurting your tired eyes. You felt Bowser wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to him. He let go of you with one arm and tucked your (colour) hair behind your ear. He leaned in and whispered softly in your ear.

"Happy birthday, Y/N..."

"You remembered?"

"Yeah duh, Sherlock. You're my everything." He kissed your neck and twirled your hair around his finger.

You hugged him back, only able to touch the sides of his shell.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked you.

"Surprise me." You yawned.

"I'll be one moment, quickly go get dressed." He ordered, shutting the door behind him.

You did as you were told and dressed in your (casual clothing). Bowser lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in." You called.

Bowser picked you up and there you over his shoulder.

"Oh no!" You sarcastically called for help, laughing between words.

"I'm going to kidnap you and force you to eat your favourite food for breakfast!" He laughed.

"Ah! Mario get your bitch ass over here and save me!" You laughed, your stomach aching from laughing so hard.

"He'll never save you!"

"He better not." You smiled.

Bowser ran out the room, down the hall and stepped down the stairs and set you down beside your chair. Bowser pulled the chair out for you and you sat on his, and he pushed it in. You licked your lips and the delicious food laid in front of you. You picked up your (proper utensil(s)) and began to eat. The koopalings were at the table, but you didn't pay attention to them, for their table manners were disgusting. You looked over at Morton and thought about Bowser's dad. It was. Terrifying how similar they looked. Right down to the black shell and rounder face shape. You shivered, remembering back to when Bowser explained that koopas ate humans. What if the koopalings ate human? Is it hard to live with you because you're basically food? Bowser noticed your uncomfortable expression and finished his food and left the table, bringing you with him.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"N-N-No." You stammered.

Bowser looked down at you, waiting for an answer.

"I'm scared of the koopalings." You whispered.

"Y/N, I would never let them hurt a hair on your head, and do you think I've ever fed them human?"

You looked at Bowser in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, you got me. They've eaten it everyday ever since the day before I met you. They were upset that they were forced to be eating regular meat, and I wanted to show them that humans aren't food by introducing them to you." He explained.

"Does it bother you when your around me?"

"A bit. Your smell is extremely noticeable, but I'm used to it by now."

"It bothers you..." You repeated is a quiet whisper.

"No, no, no! It's all fine! Everything is fine!"

You looked down and your feet, as you crouched down and cried. Bowser pulled on your small hand.

"Do you still want your present?" He asked.

"Later." You murmured.

Bowser sat you on his lap and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.  Your tears dripped onto his arm, and he wiped them away with his finger.

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