Chapter 25

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You walked quietly into the dungeon, alone in pitch black darkness. Bowser had already left to finish what he had started in the Mushroom Kingdom. The Mushroom Kingdom would eventually merge with Darkland, but what would you do with the princess and the brothers? And what will the Mushroom Kingdom look like after the attack? As you were lost in your worrying thoughts, you had finally reached the final step. As you walked to the centre of the dungeon hallway, the trio looked up at you with their red, tired eyes. All their clothes were shredded and torn, and their faces pale from not enough sun. They didn't look like Bowser had starved them at the very least.

"Princess... I hate to be the one to tell you, but Bowser killed Haru." You sighed, trying not to make eye contact with any of them, for if you did, you'd pity them too much.

You slightly looked down to see Peach sobbing, a wet pool of tears quickly spread around her. Her small gloved hands covered her face as she began to shake.

"I'll fucking kill him!" She screamed, bashing a fist to the ground.

"I'm-a sorry for-a your loss, princess." Luigi frowned, a couple tears dripping down his thin face as he leaned against the wall-like cell bars.

You felt heartbroken, seeing her in so much pain. Her delicate porcelain face pressed against the disgusting stone-brick floor. He sobs grew louder and louder, but soon turned to laughter. You looked at her in confusion as her hands pulled away from her face.

"You have no idea what you just got into." She smirked.

"You're right, I don't." You rolled your eyes.

"He was Prince of the Demon Kingdom. You can't kill a Demon, sweetie." She laughed.

"Well, Bowser just did." You said, still confused.

"Well, where is Bowser now?" She asked.

"Taking over the Mushroom Kingdom." You stammered.

"So, that means you're home alone with an angry demon. He might even kill you." She laughed.

"He couldn't possibly find me here, wouldn't he expect me to be upstairs-"

"I'm afraid not, Y/N." A cold hand was placed on your shoulder.

You shivered, looking up, to see Haru standing behind you.

"Haru..." You whispered. 

Haru punched you in the face, knocking you out temporarily.

                               • • •

You woke up in a cage, lifted high in the air. You looked below to see Haru, pacing back and fourth with the Mario brothers.

"What's taking him so long?" Haru growled.

"I have-a no idea." Mario frowned.

"Maybe he's-a back by-a now." Luigi wondered.

Mario peered out a window in the low corner of the room. 

"Nope." He sighed.

You looked around to find Peach, but she was out of sight. She tried to bang on the cage door, but it wouldn't open. It had a large lock on it with a golden brass tint. You sat back down, waiting for something good to happen. Haru began to float up to the cage and levitated mid air.

"You're awake." He murmured.

You slightly nodded, backing away a bit.

"What the hell is he even doing out there? We've been waiting for him for hours." Haru questioned.

"He said he would be back soon." You reminded.

"Not soon enough." He muttered.

"I'm-a bored! There's-a literally nothing to-a do!" Mario groaned.

"Shut up! Now keep an eye on the landing spot for the doomship. I'll wait here all night if I have to." He snapped.

"That's not-a fair, we-a need sleep." Luigi yawned.

"Quit your whining and get back to work!" Haru demanded.

"Yes-a... Sir..." Mario sleepily yawned, closing his eyes.

Haru floated down, slapping him across the face. Mario awoke in shock and grabbed Haru's wrist, flipping him to the floor.

"You idiots! Why don't you actually learn how to listen to directions for once? Learn some English while you're at it." Haru growled, standing himself up.

You bit your lip as you watched the clumsy trio nag and argue as you felt quite tired yourself. Someone soon barged into the room. It was none other that Kama, but she was being shoved in by Peach. Kama didn't have her wand, so she was most likely powerless. Peach shoved her into a corner and impatiently tapped the toe of her scarlet red high heels against the stone floor.

"Yes, dear?" Haru asked, levitating closer to her.

"I'm just upset about the Kingdom... What if we never get it back?" She pouted, a couple tears dripped down her pink cheeks.

"Shhh..." His calm voice hushed, "Everything will be alright."

Haru flew in circles around the tall blond, twirling strands of her gilded hair between his fingertips. She begun to giggle a bit and pulled him closer to her. You shivered, looking away from their embracements and tried thinking about something else.

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