Chapter 21

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You walked around the castle, extremely bored. You needed to catch Haru, and fast. But Haru's appearances were random and unpredictable.

"Y/N, it's been several days since we've started looking for Haru, I have to kidnap Luigi." Bowser sighed, wrapping his arm around you.

"But the baby will be born any day now! What if you aren't home in time?" You stressed.

"I will. I promise." Bowser promised.

"What if you aren't?" You asked.

"I'll get home in the blink of an eye." He assured.

Your conversation was rudely interrupted by none other than one of the koopalings.

"Dad! Roy stole my wand!" Morton whined.

"No I didn't! You're lying!" Roy growled.

"Will you two ever shut up? I was literally just talking and you interrupted like that. Shame on you!"

You shivered as he yelled at them, worried about how Claire would be treated. The two koopalings ran away, before Bowser would get angry.

"Fine. Get back quickly, I already miss you too much." You sighed.

"I'll try my best, but that means I'll have to leave now." Bowser sighed, looking down at you.

"Okay fine." You looked down at your feet, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Great, I'll be back soon." He knelt down on his knee and pulled you into a hug.

You turned away and went to your room, not wanting to regret letting him leave. The castle never felt like home without Bowser. You felt unsafe and uncomfortable, surrounded by your own royal servants, who would almost always forget you even existed. You laid down on the gigantic bed and closed your eyes. You pulled the blankets over your head. You yawned and rolled over, trying to fall asleep, but you couldn't stop thinking about Haru. The fact that his appearances were at completely unexpected times, made you feel uneasy and made your stomach roughly cramp. You held your stomach in pain, groaning in agony. You heard somebody quietly knock on the door.

"Come in." You muttered.

You heard the door open and felt someone sit on the side of the bed.

"Night. I've really gotta go, I'm going to miss you." Bowser whispered.

"I had already said my goodbyes." You reminded.

"Yeah... But I- uh..." He stammered.

"I'll see you in a couple weeks." You muttered.

"Don't say that, I'll be back tomorrow, or even the next day." Bowser reassured.

"Night." You mumbled.

Bowser pulled the gigantic blanket off of you.

"No... It's too cold..." You murmured.

Bowser laid beside you, pulling you into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you." You whispered.

"Not as much as I will." He corrected, running his hand down your calf, pulling you closer to his warm body.

"If you don't go now, you'll just end up staying." You giggled.

You both kissed each other, and Bowser pulled away to speak.

"That actually-"

The door swung open and the lights were turned on.

"Sir you're supposed to- OH MY STARS! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The koopa screamed, covering his eyes.

Bowser groaned, getting off the bed.

"No..." You murmured, weakly reaching for his hand.

"I love you." He whispered, covering you with the large blanket.

The lights were shut off and you were left to sleep.

• • •

You woke up in extreme pain in your stomach. You pulled yourself up and yawned as you carried yourself to the hallway, looking down, realizing you were still in your pyjamas.

"Y/N! Queens don't lounge around in their pyjamas all day!" Kama gasped, pushing you back to your room.

"No... I can't... The baby is coming today. I can't even keep myself up..." You moaned.

You fell over, but you felt Kama struggle to lift you. You pulled yourself up and you walked to the infirmary.

• • •

You woke up in a cot pushed against the wall. You felt something around your hand. You looked at your hand and saw Bowser's hand around yours.

"Are you okay? I came as fast as I could. You've been asleep for a couple hours." Bowser smiled.

"I'm not okay, but thanks for coming." You groaned in pain.

"Luigi was kidnapped, the mushroom kingdom is basically mine now. Unless Haru finally shows up." Bowser muttered.

"That's great." You sighed.

"I'm worried about you, should I call the nurse?" He asked.

"No- AHCK! Whatever you think." You yelled.

Bowser sighed, pressing a red button.

"Yes, my Lord?" The nurse asked.

"Do you have any pain killers or something we can give her?" Bowser asked.

"I'm not sure about what to give her, koopas generally lay eggs-" The nurse explained.

"I already knew that, I have eight kids." Bowser reminded.

"Sorry, my King." The koopa nurse apologized.

"ACK! The baby's coming!" You screamed.

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