Chapter 32

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You got up and tried to twist the door knob to see if it was unlocked, but it was still locked. You frowned and went back to the bed, pulling the heavy covers over your head. No light could possibly get through this thick, warm blanket.

But, there wasn't anything to really do in here, except for thinking and bathing. You assumed that Bowser kept most of his possessions in other rooms and this room only had a bed and two nightstands. You decide to take a bath to relax and forget about everything for awhile. You undressed yourself and lit a few candles in the bathroom and began to fill the bath with warm water. Since this was Bowser's room and he had no intention of sharing it with a human, the bath was the size of a medium sized swimming pool with a faucet attached. There were ledges to sit on, because you would drown if the bath was filled up to the maximum. You got into the tub after pulling two towels out of a cabinet and setting them next to the bath.

Within a few seconds, the room was engulfed with steam. It was actually relaxing, because you hadn't had enough time to have a bath in forever. You turned on the jets at low, because high would send you flying over to the next side, because as you already knew, this wasn't built for fragile humans. The jets massaged your back and you let out a sigh of relief.

It was kind of cute when Bowser was very overprotective of you, but accusing you of having an affair after you had been kissed unexpectedly was a bit far-fetched. You heard the door slowly creaked open. Bowser came inside the bedroom, but shut the door behind himself.

"Y/N? Where are you? Did she jump out of the window? Just come out already, I'm not mad..." Bowser sounded really scared, which was really rare of him to do.

You heard him pace around the room, looking for you. He opened the bathroom door after you quickly crossed your arms over your chest and submerged your lower body under the water. You felt your face turn a bit red, and Bowser's were dusted with a pale pink.

"Can I let you out, or are you going to go sneak off with Dani?" He asked, folding his arms and resting them on the bathtub's ledge.

"No. She's too old for me." You shook your head, knowing it would be useless to argue and that Bowser would just get upset.

"Good. And that last part is true, she's plenty older than you. We are going to have to get rid of her eventually. Nobody has come to save her yet." Bowser reminded.

It was true. Nobody we knew even knew that Dani existed.

"Let's just wait and if not, then we can decide what to do with her."

Bowser nodded in agreement. You were happy that he wasn't mad at you anymore. It's understandable as to why he was angry, but he should have been mad at Dani.

"I bet you're hungry, let's go and get something for you to eat."

"Just a few for minutes, I just got in five minutes ago." You said closing your eyes.

You opened them, and Bowser was already in the bathtub on the other side. You closed your eyes and relaxed.

"Don't worry about the baby, someone will take care of her for us." Bowser informed.

"Mmhhm..." You nodded your head, refusing to let your eyes open.

• • •

You woke up, fully dressed in Bowser's arms, but he was sound asleep. Your stomach growled loudly, but Bowser still remained silent. You tried to left his heavy arms, but they wouldn't budge. He wrapped his arms around you, mumbling something. You sighed, wrapping your arms around his. He pulled ou closer, resting your head on his neck. There wasn't any way to get up, so you decided just to sleep through it, because Bowser was probably tired.

He soon completely let go, dropping you to the ground. You tip toed out of the room. This time, it was actually important. As soon as you shut the door, you dashed down the stairs that lead to the basement. There wasn't a lock, but there soon would be. You ran down the steps, almost tripping on a few. You rushed to Dani's cell, one question burning down every other thought that crossed your mind.

...Was Dani okay?


Yay I'm on spring break! I'm going on vacation and there's lots of driving, so I'll have more time to write the next couple chapters hopefully. Hope you enjoyed!

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