Chapter 4

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I'm walking to third hour now, a class I am definitely dreading. I went to sleep last night and we still hadn't talked. When I woke up, it was by my alarm clock. I ate breakfast by myself and had to catch a ride with Talia and Thomas since apparently the boys had football before school. I walk into third hour and the seats next to both Dylan and Michael are taken by cheerleaders. I scoff and walk to a seat in the very back. It's bad when Michael and I aren't even talking. It's ridiculous, aren't they mad because I wasn't around, now they won't let me be around, does that make any sense at all. My phone notifies me of a text so I check it.

Tyson: Straight home after school. Dinner plans. No skipping.

We all got it by the looks on Dylan and Michael's faces. To be told to go straight home after school after school is bad enough. Him texting us already tells us it's mandatory but the fact that he put in, "No skipping." Is what tells us that it's serious. The bell rings and the teacher starts her lesson, the only problem with that? I can't focus on anything she has to say, only the fact that something's wrong.


"What's wrong?" Talia whispers to me at lunch. They've been talking about I don't even know what. My mind's still on my family.

"Nothing." I whisper back with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You haven't even eaten." She gives me a stern look. I have learned that Talia's pretty cool. Thomas is a jerk. Connor is chill and Alex is insane. Like I first thought that Talia was like those preppy girls who are rude and only care about themselves but she's not. Yes, she cares about how she looks but that's as close to that as she is. Alex looks like a rude, careless girl but she's not. Past her looks she's funny, awesome, and loud. Connor is a football player but only goes to morning practices other than Tuesday and Thursday. He's pretty quiet but fits right in with this group. Thomas, well he's rude. He doesn't seem to like me. I honestly can't come up with anything other than him being a hot jerk.

"Nicole?" Alex asks and I realize they're all looking at me.


"You need to eat." Talia, I assume, repeats what she said.

"Not hungry." I say pushing the food away from me. Talia suddenly gets up and storms off. I look around, confused, until I see where she stormed off to.... My brothers' table....

~~Talia's POV~~

"What's wrong?" I whisper to Kyla, when I notice she's been really quiet.
"Nothing." She whispers back, shrugging her shoulders.
"You haven't eaten." I point out. When she doesn't respond I repeat myself. When I start calling her name trying to get attention the others look over. Is she ignoring me?

"Nicole?" Alex asks. She looks over at her like she just came back from the dead.

"Hm?" She asks and I'm worried. Is it normal for some to be so out of it? Like she looks zombified.

"You need to eat." I say, really worried about her.

"Not hungry." She mutters pushing away the food. That makes me so mad it's not even funny. I get up and storm away from that table. I have my eyes set on my target and I'm not backing away. I reach the table full of arrogant assholes and I shutter. Being so close to them is as bad as I imagined. I grab the backs of two of their shirts making all four of them look at me.

"I honestly don't care who you're an asshole to, that is none of my business, but keep it up with Kyla and I will castrate you. I don't know what happened but her asking for a ride this morning kinda confused me, not only that but the fact that she looked like hell. She has barely talked. She didn't eat lunch and when I pointed it out she went all zombie on me, so now it's time for you idiots to fix her!" I say in a surprisingly calm voice but the fact that my hands are shaking kinda gives away the fact that I'm furious. I have only known her for like 3 days yet I already feel this need to protect her like I feel for Alex. She hates Thomas for crying out loud, she is perfect! Any girl who doesn't go falling at his feet is perfect in my eyes. They all give me this weird look, I've never seen it yet they all are wearing it, weird.

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