Chapter 18

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"Where's Kyla?" I ask walking into the living room and taking a seat beside Dylan.

"She went to Walmart. I needed strawberries." Drake says as the phone starts to ring. Tyson gets up and answers it. His face pales and worry starts to show. What could that be about?

"We'll be there in a few minutes." He says before hanging up. He grabs his shoes and slips them on while throwing Bryan's keys at him and getting his own. We don't ask questions, knowing Tyson. He's not going to answer anything if he's like this. Bryan gets in his car, Dylan, Logan, and I following. Drake gets in Tyson's car, Tyson taking off immediately and Bryan following, seeing as we have no idea where we're going.

"What do you think that's about?" Dylan dares ask the question we're all thinking.

"Is it Kyla?" I whisper the haunting question.

"It can't be." Logan shakes his head.

"Dude, Ty looked really freaked out." Bryan says, his eyes staying on the road. He's right. Tyson is calm or mad, he doesn't freak out. He doesn't worry about things, that's Drake.

"Guys..." Dylan mumbles looking out the window. I follow where he's looking, Tyson's pulling into the parking lot of the hospital.

"What if it's dad?" Bryan asks pulling into the parking lot and parking beside Tyson.

"When does Ty worry about either of the parents?" Logan asks which is a good point.

"Let's go." Dylan says getting out of the car. We follow him out and head into the place we hate to go, this better be good. We walk fast trying to catch up with Tyson. He stops at the desk and asks the lady a question which helps us.

"Room 224." She says before looking at us all. Tyson doesn't respond as soon as he hears the number he takes off towards the elevator. We all get on when the doors open and he presses the second floor. When I see who's lying on that bed I almost lose it, lying on the hospital bed with cords hooked up to her and looking pretty beat up is my best friend, my baby sister, the one person I tried so hard to keep safe through all these years, we all did. I stop at the door, not daring to go in. I can't do it. I can't bring myself to enter that room. How did this happen? Why does she look so lifeless? How can this be happening to her? I turn around and walk down the hall, they were about to kick us out of the room anyway. Only two are allowed yet there's five in there now. I need air. I find the staircase and go down to the first floor. I walk outside the building not caring about anything right now. I sit down and try to get myself calmed down a bit. What happened to her? She should be at home listening to music or pulling pranks on the brothers. She should be beating us at video games or arguing with one of us. She should be hanging out with her friends. I would rather her with that jerk than laying there, like that.


When I walk into this room, I stop breathing. It's like time stopped. This can't be happening. Michael leaves but we don't really notice it. The only thing I can thing I can think is how this can not be happening. Kyla doesn't deserve this. Inside Kyla's sleeve lays her phone. The screen's smashed, but that's not what catches my attention. I can barely see it, it fell down so far, but I can see enough. What catches my attention is that the screen is lit up, she always did hate auto-lock. She said that it was stupid, it would only make her mad, when she wanted it locked she could do it herself. The thing is, Kyla doesn't text and drive. She doesn't pay any attention to her phone when she's behind the wheel. What could have caused her to unlock her phone? Was that the reason she lays here now? I walk over to her and pick it up to see what the screen says.

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