Chapter 14

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I get up quietly at 11:55 PM, waiting for Michael to walk in. At 11:57 PM he does. We both make our way to my bathroom before turning on any light.

"I have Bryan and Drake." I say quickly and quietly.

"Logan and Dylan are mine." He replies back quietly.

"Tyson is the wild card." I say before we start getting things ready. I glued eggs to the carton already, now I just need to plant them in the fridge. That'll get Drake in the morning. I make my way into Bryan and Dylan's room while Michael makes his way back to his. I go into their bathroom, very quietly, and take off the shower head, planting a lifesaver before putting it back. I place blue favored fruit drink on his blue towel. I head downstairs to plant the eggs so it's fair. I make my way back upstairs and towards Tyson's room. I enter and once again go straight towards the bathroom. I place orajel in his toothpaste. I make my way out and straight towards my room. Michael comes out of the connecting door and heads towards my bathroom so I follow him.

"Did you get Ty?" He whispers as soon as we're in there.

"Yeah..." I say before smirking. We both head back out, I go to my bed and he goes to his room. I pull out more chicken bouillon cubes and wait. Michael'll be asleep soon. Twenty minutes later, I get up and head towards their bathroom. I remove the shower head, place the cubes, and put the shower head back. I get out of their room, going back to mine. Michael'll be mad at me tomorrow but he'll understand. I crawl back into bed and fall asleep.


"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Bryan shouts. I open my eyes before remembering why he'd be yelling. The yelling isn't coming from my room which tells me he accused Michael first. I jump right out of bed and run into the bathroom, locking the door. I take a quick shower before getting dressed. Black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a blue tank top, and my black converse; a classic Kyla outfit. I blow dry my hair, before straightening it, and throwing on some concealer and mascara. I go downstairs to see six glaring brothers.

"Good morning!" I chirp sitting down at the table and eating bacon.

"Hey Kyla, wanna explain why we don't have eggs this morning?" Drake asks.

"Guess you decided they were too tough to make." I say with a smile.

"You're riding with your friends to school." Bryan says, getting up, and walking out. Logan and Dylan follow behind him.

"We need to talk later." Michael says before leaving too.

"Guess I should be getting to school." I say, walking out. Talia and Thomas are walking to his car which cause me to run over to them.

"Need a ride?" Talia smirks.

"Please." I beg.

"Get it." She laughs. "Four angry guys left your house like a minute ago. It was pretty funny. What'd you do this time?"

"Mike and I started our pranking game." I state.

"Do I even want to know?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You really don't." I state.


"So what happened to you at that party?" Alex asks when I sit down. That catches everyone's attention. Connor, Talia, and Alex look curious. Cecelia looks confused. Thomas looks bored, while Abigail looks angry.

"I got drunk, woke up in a strangers bed, in strangers clothes, to find out it wasn't a stranger." I say quietly.

"Who was it?" Talia asks quickly.

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