Chapter 5

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"Hey girl." Talia says when I sit down beside her. I smile at her and steal some of Connor's fries. He swats my hand away and I smile innocently at him.

"I need food." I whine, stealing more fries from him causing him to move his fries out of reach.

"Get your own." He says like a child.

"Are you guys 5?" Thomas asks still grumpy.

"No. That's rude. Do I look like I'm 5? I am 6!" I say with a serious face, before muttering under my breath, "mentally."

"Wow..." Thomas says obviously not amused.

"Here, you can have my fries." Talia says pushing hers towards me. I greedily grab a handful and eat them mockingly watching Connor. He has an amused look on his face and he shrugs.

"Guys, why is the football table looking over here?" Alex asks sitting down on the other side of me. We all look over at the football table and sure enough they are all looking over here. Connor gets up and walks over there which draws their attention away from us.... Except my brothers. I look away from them and eat more fries. I push Talia's fries back in front of her and reach over to grab Connor's. I pull them in front of me making Talia shake her head, laughing.

"Nicole." Connor says looking over at me. When did he get back?

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Stop stealing my fries!" He says sternly.

"I'm hungry!" I shout causing other tables to turn and look at us. Bryan walks towards us and I shoot daggers at him.

"Kyla, get your own food." Bryan says when he gets to our table. I ignore him when causes Talia to turn and glare at him.

"She has food. See this?" Talia snaps holding up her container of fries. "That's food."

"I wasn't talking to you." Bryan snaps back annoyed with her.

"Dude, go back to your table." Thomas says calmly.

"My sister needs to eat." Bryan says.

"She's eating." Thomas replies waving at the fries.

"Her own food." Bryan retorts.

"That is her own food." Connor says shocking me. Didn't he fight me for the food.

"You can go now." Alex says joining in on the glare game.

"Kyla, meet us at the field after school." Bryan says with finality in his voice.

"I brought her to school, I'm taking her home." Talia says standing up to face him.

"Whatever. Be home by curfew." Bryan mutters walking away.


"NICOLE!" A voice shouts from behind me. I pause in the halls to turn and see who it is. Connor is jogging up to me, stopping when we reaches me.

"What's up?" I ask as we start walking side by side down the hall to our last hours.

"What class do you have?"

"Biology." I reply. "You?"

"Same. Let me see your schedule." He says holding out his hand waiting for my schedule. I hand it over to him and he looks at it. The big smile that lights up his face kinda scares me, makes him look creepy.

"What?" I ask slowly.

"We have last hour together." He states proudly.

"Really? You haven't been in there. I thought football was last hour." I rush out all in one breath.

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