Give A Little

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A few hours later, I awoke to the soft sound of cars and buses driving outside and Kelly snoring lightly beside me.

Looking at the clock, I sighed, knowing that I needed to get up and start getting ready for work. Careful not to wake him, I lifted Kelly's arm from around my waist and slipped out of bed, stretching as soon as my feet hit the floor.

As quietly as possible, I grabbed a pair of ripped up jeans (which I assumed were black), and my Mötley Crüe shirt before tip toeing over to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Kelly mumbled sleepily in a sexy, raspy voice.

"I have to get ready for work; it's already ten."

"You don't work until eleven," he grumbled.

"I have to get ready and be there at that time."


"Go back to sleep," I said, brushing his hair out of his face.


As I got ready, I debated whether or not I wanted to see my brother and talk things out. Sure, we weren't totally against each other, but I wanted him to recognize that I was capable of making my own decisions. I was almost eighteen; I didn't need a guardian.


Once I was at work, I hummed along with the radio as I set to organizing the records on the shelves and in the crates, which was my traditional job.

"Carolina, it's about noon. I'm going to lunch," my boss, Leo, called to me. "I'll be back around two thirty."

"Okay. See you then," I said as he walked out.

Once the door behind him closed, I rolled my eyes.

"Who the hell needs that long for lunch? Over two hours? God," I mumbled to myself.

After an hour and a half, I was about halfway through the records. I paused when I heard the bell on the door ring.

"Feel free to look around. Don't be afraid to ask if you need anything," I called.

"Thanks," the person called back. "Wait... Carolina?"

I turned around to see my brother standing behind me, an amused, yet surprised smile on his face.

"Hi, Jeff," I said with a smile.

"Be nice," I mentally reminded myself.

"How's your day been?" he asked.

"Fine. Okay, really boring. It's been super slow."

He frowned and headed over to the front counter.

"That's shitty. Speaking of, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to bitch at you; I was just surprised."

"I know, and it's fine," I said with a shrug. "I'm sorry that I snapped at you," I said, leaning back against the crates of records.

"Forget about it," he said. "I didn't think I'd see you here," he said, mildly surprised.

"Yeah; I work here every few days; the restaurant I was working at is closing, so I'll probably be here more often."

"Cool. Any new stuff?"

"Over there," I said, pointing to a bin that was labeled 'new releases' in neon green.

"Ah, right," he said with a chuckle, heading over to look through.

"I miss when we were close," I said suddenly, catching him off guard.

Carolina ~ A Slash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now