Lick and A Promise, Pt. 1

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"So, we're going back to L.A. soon," Slash said as he softly ran his fingers up and down my arm.


"Yeah. Just for a break, though. We'll get to see Clyde again," he said happily, referring to his snake.

"Good, because I haven't seen any reptiles in a long time and I kind of miss him," I jokingly mumbled into the pillow.

"I miss him, too. He might even miss us, you never know."

"I doubt he cares as long as he's being fed," I said with a laugh.

"Probably not. But he's cool. Hopefully he didn't die at Yvonne's," he mused, referring to the fact that he had to leave his pet at his ex-girlfriend's house.


"Hey, what time is it?" he asked me after a moment.

"Uh," I glanced over at the clock, "four A.M.."

"Ugh... Shit."


"They want us all packed onto the bus at, like, quarter after nine."

"Seriously? Fuck that," I grumbled.

"I know, but we have to be up by then or they'll leave us."

"Do you think all of us being awake that early is realistic?" I asked with a sigh.

"Nope," he replied simply.

"I don't either."


"Come on, baby, we're late," Slash said urgently, gently shaking me awake.


"We're late; we have to get on the bus," he said as he climbed out of bed.

"It's too early," I whined.

"I know, but we have to go."

"At least your ass is a nice sight to wake up to," I joked, watching him pull on his leather pants.

"Yours would be a better one," he said, winking at.

"Oh yeah?" I asked as I sat up with a soft laugh,already feeling my sarcastic nature seeping in.

"Definitely," he confirmed, bending over to dig through a suitcase.

It was at about that moment when all of the pain kicked in, and my body ached all over, making my stomach churn; the fall down the stage stairs no doubt fucked me up, and the rough sex that Slash and I had the night before probably didn't help at all.

"God, look at all of these bruises," I mumbled, observing all of the little purple-blue spots that appeared over night. "And this one," I said a little louder, "is definitely from you."

"Me?" he asked innocently, standing up straight as he walked over to look.

"It fits your fingers," I said, placing his hand on my thigh, where everything lined up.

"Oops," he said, his voice soft as he gently brushed his fingers over the marks. "I'm sorry," he said, pushing my hair back from my face, pecking me on the cheek.

"We're lucky we have the fall as an excuse," I mumbled, observing another set of light bruises on my arm that also matched up with where his fingertips would have dug into the soft flesh.

"It was an accident," he said, leaning in and kissing my neck. "Shit..."


"Nothing," he said a little too quickly.

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