She Mine

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"How are you feeling?" Izzy asked, pulling the laces of his pants tighter while I sat in the front lounge of the bus.

"Much better; my head is clear," I mumbled as I tossed a magazine onto the table in front of me.

"Good. You talk to Nikki lately?"

"Not really, other when he comes by to see how I'm doing."

"Good... I like him, but I don't want him pulling you back into drugs."

"I'm not planning on going back," I muttered, watching the other guys come out and adjust their clothes in various ways before we headed for the venue.

"Doesn't matter what you plan, what matters is what happens."

"Okay, mom."

"Well, she had her points," he said with a shrug. "She gave us a fair amount of wisdom."

"I guess."

"Have you heard from the L.A. Guns guys?"

"Didn't you just ask me that the other day?"

"I don't know, did I?"

"Yeah, pretty sure you did. What's going on?"




"Izzy, I swear to God, if you're hiding somethi-"

"Carolina, relax. It's none of your business, and it's not a big deal."

"Just the fact that you're telling me that it's not a big deal means that some thing's up."

"It's just... never mind. Don't worry. We gotta get inside," he said, watching the others file into the front of the bus and wait near the door.

It was weird seeing someone else here instead of Steven; the new guy, Matt Sorum, was okay, but I didn't really care for him- I was more neutral than anything. He was nice, but he wasn't Steven, and to me, the band's chemistry wasn't quite right without him.

The rest of the guys took to him instantly- within three days they were all chummy and had practically forgotten about Steven, which sucked to see. Sure, the new guy and I weren't the closest of friends, but we were civil and polite, and I had to admit that he was a pretty good drummer; he had learned all of the songs in about two days, and that in itself was impressive to me.

"Ready?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Axl said, leading the pack out of the bus.

"You better explain all of this to me," I muttered to Izzy, glaring at him as I followed them out.

"I think it's better if I don't."


"Depends on who's around," he said, discreetly motioning to Slash.

"Ah... a rivalry perhaps?"

"That's putting it nicely. I haven't gotten details yet."

"So you don't know what it's over?"


"Shit. Well, maybe he'll tell me."

"Probably not. I can't get it out of him. Just leave it alone."

"No, I want to know."

"God, you're so nosey, Carolina. I wasn't supposed to say anything anyway, so just drop it."

"Fine. I'll just ask Tracii instead," I said, shrugging as I walked ahead of him.


"Jesus, answer the phone!" I snapped, twisting the phone cord in my fingers.

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