I Don't Love You

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"Rae, Rae, Rae!" Slash said hurriedly, gently pulling on my arm as I reached for the handle of the bus door.

"What's up, Slash?" I asked tiredly.

"You probably shouldn't go in there," he said quietly.

"Why not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, uh, there's" he stammered, suddenly growing nervous, "I don't know how to tell you this, but-"

He was interrupted by the door swinging open, almost hitting me despite the fact that he had pulled me out of the way. The person exiting the bus almost walked into me as they turned around, not even noticing our presence.

As I noticed that it was a girl that walked off of the bus, my eyes widened; Axl was the only one on the bus, and she was wearing his shirt. Her hair was an absolute mess and her face was flushed as she blew a kiss back over her shoulder, and strutted away with a soft giggle, carrying her heels in one hand, and her coat in the other.

Peering around the door, I saw Axl standing at the top of the stairs, a proud smirk on his face as he watched her leave.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked in shock.

"What?" he asked plainly, looking slightly annoyed.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked as I motioned to her. "And in your shirt? What the fuck?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I don't share my men maybe?!"

"I'm not yours and I can do what I want," he said with a laugh. "I'm a rock star, Carolina- and we're not married. I don't love you," he said thoughtfully.

Silently, I nodded, feeling the ever so familiar feeling of being crushed once again by William Bailey. Shaking free of Slash's grasp, I walked away, headed for anywhere away from Axl.

"Great job, Slash," he grumbled, "you were the look out; you were supposed to keep her aw-"

"Me? I'm not the one fucking over my best friend's sister!" Slash snapped back.

"Not that it's any of your business, but..."

Their voices faded out as I got farther from them. I was processing what had just happened, although I wasn't exactly surprised. I didn't expect the harsh honesty from Axl, and it felt like a ton of bricks had just landed on my head.

I thought things were different this time, but recently, he had been acting strange. That must have been why. And the girl? She was beautiful- probably a model or something... much prettier than me. She seemed like she was more than a little bit familiar with him- and the shirt- I had bought him that shirt for his birthday last year!

Stupid little things were bothering me now, not even the fact that he straight up told me how he felt- or rather, how he didn't. I was annoyed by the memories of his scent and the way he ran his fingers through my hair, and the way he was always polite (even if he was a sleazy rock and roller)- the thought of him wasting my time rather than being honest was what upset me the most. I had feelings for him for years and all he'd proven to me is that he was capable of wasting my time more than once.

I randomly thought back to when we were growing close again, and everything clicked.


I sat on the edge of my bed, taking my pain meds, staring at Axl as he toyed with a bottle of perfume on my dresser.

"Why are you spending so much time with me lately?" I asked him after I washed down the pills with some water.

"It was either you or talking to other girls," he mumbled with a shrug.

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