I Wanna Be Your Man

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The next morning, my phone rang bright and early- well, at the crack of noon which was early for me.


"Hey, baby," I heard Slash purr into the phone.

"Hey, babe, what's up?"

"Not too much. Izzy said he called you?"

"No, he didn't. What's going on?"

"Yeah, he said you didn't answer."

"I must have slept through it, I guess."

"Yeah, probably. Uh, anyway, like I said yesterday, we're trying to get a party going, so your brother was trying to recruit you to invite any lady friends that you have."

"Lady friends?" I asked with a laugh. "I'm not sure if he's noticed, but the closest thing that I have to 'lady friends' is you guys when you get too drunk."

"Yeah, Steven pointed out that you're friends with dudes, not chicks," he said with a laugh. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm okay. Tired; Tracii and the rest of the guys basically broke in at three in the morning, or whatever, so that threw me off. You?"

"I'm good. Hiding out in the the bathroom with the phone. Axl's pissed."


"Because he lives on the phone. He's always spouting his drama to someone."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. He's always been like that. He likes to talk a lot."

"I'll say. So are you gonna come around?"

"To what, the party?"


"Yeah, unless you don't want me to."

"No, I want you to! I miss your face," he said softly.

"I miss your face, too," I mumbled with a giggle. "It's only been like... one day."

"I know, but still."

"You're real cute sometimes," I teased.

"Only sometimes?" he asked, equally as playful.

"Mm, most of the time."

"That sounds about right. Anyway, I gotta go get Clyde, and help get ready for the party, so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. I'll probably be over in like an hour."

"'Kay. See you soon."


Just as I hung up, I heard a knock on my front door.

Dear god, what now?

I made my way over to the door, and I was going to look through the peephole, but the outside was dirty, and I couldn't see anything.

I cracked the door open to see Kelly standing all by himself.

"Oh, hey, Kell. What's up?" I asked, holding the door open for him.

"Not much, Rae. Sorry about the, uh, break in last night," he said with a chuckle.

"Y'know, before tour I was used to it. Not so much now. Even the phone ringing makes me jump."

"It happens. Were you guys on a bus, or like, a shitty car?"

"Bus, actually. The Mötley guys helped us out, so that was nice. They're- the other Guns guys- are having a party tonight and they want me to go, so I guess that's that."

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