Dancing on Nails

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The next morning I woke up in Slash's bed, comfortably curled up against his chest, my clothes in a pile beside me- which was very unusual, as they usually ended up scattered everywhere.

I could hear the guys moving around in the other room, so as a precaution, I reached for my shirt, careful not to wake Slash, and pulled it on, laying back in his arms.

"What are you doing?" he whispered, hardly awake.

"Nothing," I mumbled. It was too early to explain, and if I had any intention of going back to sleep, I would stay quiet.

"Oh... okay."

He tucked his face into my neck, holding me close as he fell back asleep, snoring the slightest bit. Every now and then, he'd twitch in his sleep, and his soft hair would brush my cheek, tickling me the slightest bit.

There was muffled conversation throughout the rest of their apartment, and the occasional sound of bottles clinking together as someone threw them into a bag.

"I have never seen any of them clean in all of the time that I've known them," I thought. "Hearing it is just as weird."

"Slash!" one of them screamed.

He stirred, but didn't respond. I knew that worst case scenario, I could think up a lie about why I was in bed with him, so I didn't panic. Why we were cuddling would be a totally different story, but I could say that he kept me safe from a drunk with grabby hands (honestly, he was the drunk with grabby hands, but I didn't mind).

"Slash, come on, dude. Come help," Duff shouted, banging on the door.

"Go away," Slash croaked, pulling me closer and kissing my cheek.


"What?!" he groaned, releasing me from his arms and rolling onto his back as he rubbed his eyes.

"Come help."

"Help what?" he yelled back, looking at me as he waited for an answer. "What the fuck is he talking about?" he asked quietly.

"I think they're cleaning."

"Fuck that," he said with a chuckle.

"Let's go fucker!" Axl screeched, throwing the door open. "What, er," he began, his eyes widening. "I- hm. I don't want to know," he decided, waving us off as he walked back out.

"Is he pretending to not care, or is he going to tattle to your brother?" Slash asked me quietly.

"See, I get why you'd think I would know the answer to that- I mean, after knowing him since I was a kid and all, but I'm genuinely not sure. I think he's serious."

"I think so, too. Trippy," he mumbled, sliding out of bed. "Let's go make an appearance," he said, waiting for me to pull on some underwear and follow him out.

"Well, well, well, there you are," Duff said to me as I walked down the hall. "You disappeared last night and we wondered where you went. It's a bit odd seeing you come out of Slash's room without any pants on, y'know?"

"Oh, shut up, Duff. Last night there was a very handsy drunk following me around; Slash happened to notice and was keeping me out of trouble," I lied easily.

"Well, good for the knight in shining armor."

"Yeah," I mumbled, noticing Slash's grateful glance out of the corner of my eye.

"Izz! Rae is still here," Duff shouted,



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