Think About You

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"Morning, guys," I said with a smile, grabbing a bottle of water and a lighter as they all waved hello and mumbled different forms of 'good morning."

"Morning," my brother said clearly, giving me a strange side-eye glance. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I just feel... good, I guess."

"Well, that's good," Steven said, smiling widely. "Isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's nice," I agreed. "Well, what's the plan today?" I asked, sitting on the arm of the couch beside Slash.

"Izz, Adler, and I are gonna scope out some chicks with Vince," Axl said, shrugging boredly.


"Yeah, might be fun," my brother grumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"You never know," I said with a smile, nudging him with my foot.

"What about you two?" I asked, looking between Slash and Duff.

"Probably just going to hang around for a bit," Duff replied.

"Yeah," Slash said softly, shrugging, which seemed to be his signature move.

"Alright... well, I think I'm going to go say hello to the Mötley guys," I said as I shuffled over to the giant pile of shoes that sat in the front lounge of the bus. "We have to do something about this," I mumbled with a laugh, digging for my converse.

"It might rain today," my brother said nonchalantly, signalling for me to take a jacket.

With a sigh, I headed to my bunk and pulled out my leather jacket and slipped it on, feeling the pockets for a pack of cigarettes.

"Well, see ya," I said, putting a cigarette in my mouth and lighting it before walking out of the bus.


"What was that?!" Izzy insisted when the door closed behind Carolina.

"What do you mean?" asked Steven, who was occupying himself with biting his nails.

"When was the last time you ever saw her like that?" he asked, looking at Axl, who simply shook his head, just as puzzled as Izzy. "It doesn't seem like she's faking it or anything... What's she up to?"

"Maybe she's getti-"

"Don't suggest anything that I don't want to hear," Izzy said, cutting off Axl with a wave of his hand.

"Maybe it's just one of those random days," Slash suggested, shrugging tiredly.

"Yeah, sure it is," Duff said with a snort. "I have never seen her be that friendly. Especially when Axl talks," he said, leaning forward.

"Right?!" Axl agreed loudly. "Normally, she would tell me to fuck off or something. And then she sat next to Slash. That was just weird, man!"

Izzy shook his head and grabbed his coat from the seat beside him.

"Look, let's just go. I don't feel like sittin' around," he mumbled.

"Agreed," Steven said as he and Axl walked over to the door.

"Last chance if you guys wanna come," Axl said lightly, looking at Duff and Slash.

"Nah, I think I'll hang back today," Slash said, waving to them.

"Me, too. I might catch up later," Duff said as he played with an empty cigarette carton.

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