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I twist the sheets of my bed between my fingers nervously. I sat here half the night tossing and turning like I do most nights now. Ever since Peeta and I came back I've been uneasy. I've been waiting for the hammer to drop. For something bad to finally happen. So far, nothing. Peeta thinks I'm being paranoid. I think I'm being logical, sensible. Peeta tries to calmly tell me that I must have heard the man wrong but I know better. I know what I heard.


"Be ready, the worst is yet to come." The man pulled back and before I could ask him what he meant he stumbled away. I grab hold of Peeta's arm and look him in the eyes trying to tell him what I can't say out loud. We're in danger. Something's wrong. We need help. Peeta stares back at me almost confused. It hits him. Then he's pulling us towards the dance floor and spinning me around slowly before bringing me close to his chest, his lips by my ear.

"What's wrong?" He questions. We're in love and it's a slow song, nobody should be surprised that we're dancing this close to each other. I swallow hard before replying.

"That man. He told me to be prepared. That the worst is yet to come." I whisper back hoarsely. Peeta pulls back a little to look at me.

"You must have heard wrong." He murmurs quietly, dipping me low on the dance floor.

"I didn't." I hiss as he pulls me back up. Peeta furrows his eyebrows and I wonder if he's just as scared as I am and better at not showing it or he really believes I heard the man wrong. "Peeta please. Listen to me. Something bad is going to happen." I tell him quietly. We stop dancing and Peeta puts his hand under my chin and tilts my face up so he can kiss me.

"It's over Catora. Nothing is going to happen. To either of us. I promise." I'm not convinced though. Something is going to happen and we have to stop it. I'm about to argue with him again when a man appears and asks to have the next dance. I give Peeta an uneasy glance but he smiles, kisses my hand and hands me off to this slightly overweight man. I blush when I put my hand on this mans shoulder.

He begins to talk to me but I'm glancing at Peeta who has offered his hand to a women dressed up all in scarlet with matching hair and nails. She turns red and accepts his hand. He leads her onto the dance floor. The man I'm dancing with makes a joke about tripping and falling into the punch table. I stare at him quizzically while he smiles down at me.

"Oh my. When I.." He starts to laugh.

"Plutarch Heavensbee Ms. Melanie. Soon to be Mrs. Mellark." I blush and gaze at the ground.

"Hello again." I say a bit shyly.

"Yes and I am pleased to announce to you I am the new Head Gamemaker." My smile falters and my heartbeat slows. New?

"What.. What happened to Seneca?" Plutarch's brow furrows.

"Haven't you heard?" I shake my head vigorously back and forth.

"N-no. Heard what? What's happened?" He doesn't seem to want to tell me as we move across the dance floor.

"You lived. Both of you. Someone had to pay." He whispers lowly to me. I stare up at him with wide eyes, my lips slightly parted in shock.

"Anyways, there weren't many people clamoring for the job so I stepped in." He said a bit loudly. Trying to play along I threw up a half shocked and half forced smile.

"So, Quarter Quell. This year should be exciting." I say trying to force happiness up through my pores.

"Yes, very exciting." Plutarch replies. There's this weird look in his eye like he's trying to see through me or... Tell me something?

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