~Chapter 1~

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   I was eight years old and was walking home with my caretaker after school. When I reached home and was by myself in my room playing, there was a ship right outside my window. It looked like there was a Clone Trooper flying it. The trooper knocked on my window and I opened it to let him in. He took me by the arm and led me to the ship. He sat me down in a seat and buckled me in. Then I realised, I was being abducted. I panicked, not knowing how to react to the situation then the trooper told me to stay calm. I listened to him, of course.

   The ship flew up into space and into a landing bay of a ship that I didn't recognise until I sought into my Star Wars knowledge. It was a Jedi Cruiser, one of the bigger ships in the Republic Fleet. I got off the ship and jumped onto the hangar. Just as I was getting used to the motion of the Cruiser, an announcement came, "All passengers, please buckle up now, we are about to make the jump to hyperspace." It was then that I realised that I was really going to go to the Star Wars universe. I quickly found a seat and buckled up just before the jump to hyperspace.

   I was still buckled in my seat and a robed figure came up to me and said, "Greetings young one, I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, I reckon you know me?"

   I gasped and stuttered, "Ye-yes! O-of course I know you! B-But, I don't think you know me, my name is Melisa Starkiller. I really can't believe this is happening!"

   "Well you'd better believe in it soon young one. You are strong with the Force and posses great knowledge of it, hence why we picked you up. You are going to the Jedi Academy."

   "Picked me up?! More like abducting me from my parents!! Then again, i'm still scared of going there."

   Another robed figure appeared behind Obi-Wan.

   "Well Obi-Wan, it looks like you've succeeded in scaring this young child." He chuckles a bit after he finishes his sentence.

   "Are you who I think you are?"

   "Well young one, that depends on who you're thinking about. I am Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin's Master."

   "Nice to meet you in person Qui-Gon. I am Melisa Starkiller."

   "I know, Master Yoda told us about you and your strong natural connection to the Force. He said that it was our mission to bring you back and of course, picking up other strong Force-sensitives along the way. Training with him is a very rare chance, but you are one of the lucky ones, along with the rest of the younglings we found."

   "Wait, what?! I get to train with the greatest Jedi master of all time?!?! Wow, I, I really can't believe this. This must be a dream, somebody pinch me! I can't really be going to the Star Wars universe, can I?"

   "Well you are, Melisa. You are coming to our universe and you are going to train under Master Yoda until you are skilled or old enough to receive the rank of Padawan."

   I fidget excitedly in my seat, still buckled.

   "You can unbuckle yourself, you know that right?" Another robed figure said.

   "Oh my lord, Anakin Skywalker!! I was about to ask Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan if you were on board!"

   "Hah, you got that right kid. I think you'll make the perfect Padawan for me, assuming you don't get assigned to another Jedi master before I've finished my apprenticeship."

   "Haha, really? Well, I don't know much about suitability between master and apprentice, but maybe we are good for each other." I smirk.

   "Anakin, don't get too flirty here. She's only eight." Obi-Wan warned.

   "Whatever you say Obi-Wan." he winks at me.

   "You may be her master at some point, but I don't expect you to go any further than master and apprentice. Understand?"

   "Yeah Obi-Wan, I get it. I don't need more than one pep talk from you."

   "Boys, you're embarrassing yourselves." Qui-Gon says, to stop them from going on any longer.

   "Apologies, Melisa." Obi-Wan said.

   "Yea, sorry." Anakin replies.

   "Its okay. Anyway, who am I gonna bunk with?" I asked after they recollected themselves.

   "You, are going to bunk with three other girls about the same age as you." Qui-Gon responded promptly.

   "Come on, I'll show you to your bunk." Anakin said with a hand gesture. I followed him to my bunk and surprisingly, all was quiet. The other three kids in my bunk weren't talking to each other, all were meditating.

   "Go in and meditate." Anakin said.

   "But I don't know how."

   "Don't worry, you'll figure it out." He assures.

   "If you say so." I shrug before walking into the room and sitting on the empty bunk. I sat cross-legged, closed my eyes and focused. In. Out. In. Out.

   I felt through the Force to see if I could find out which planet we were going to, though I already had a guess in mind. My efforts were futile as I was not trained in my connection with the Force although I had a strong natural connection with it according to Qui-Gon.

   Since I couldn't find out where we're headed, I decided to spend the rest of my time recalling my family. I wouldn't want to forget them, even if i really did go to the Star Wars universe. Memories raced through my mind as I recalled all the time I spent with my friends and family. It was a high possibility that I would never see them again.

   Sooner than I expected, an announcement was made, 'All passengers, please buckle up now, we will be exiting hyperspace in a few moments.' Upon hearing that, I strapped myself to my bunk and continued meditating. The other kids in my bunk strapped themselves in too, but they didn't continue meditating after that. Another announcement came, 'Prepare for landing.' Once I heard that, I stopped meditating at once and packed my belongings. The other kids followed suit.

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