~Chapter 29~

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°Vader's POV°
"Heh, I sense a lot of fear in you... Lord... Vader. How do I know of your Sith name, you might ask. Well, you will have to figure that out yourself. Fear, is a weakness, unless you are the one instilling fear in others who are below you." Melisa was more powerful than I could ever imagine, but perhaps that was just her being able to catch on much quicker than I can.

I have much more potential, I know it. The thing is that I do not learn quick. It takes me a while to learn without someone guiding me.

"Believing you have more potential than me, huh? Well, that may be true as of now, but who knows what will happen in the future? Only our Master knows what the future holds."

"What? What are you talking about Melisa? How can we share the same Master when we have taken completely different paths?"

"Ahh, that is where you are wrong, Lord Vader, for my name is no longer Melisa. Melisa is long gone. I am now much more powerful ever since I joined forces with Lord Sidious, our Master."

I was once again taken aback by her words. How can a child of only eight years of age speak so maturely? Well, come to think of it, she was very mature for her age in the past and its very likely for it to stay as part of her personality.

"Still thinking that I am only eight, eh?" She let out an evil laugh, "Many years have passed since I became Anakin's Padawan. He may not have noticed, but I have grown into a powerful twelve-year-old. Catch me if you can, Lord Vader." She took off right after she said her last word, not hesitating even for a while to wait for me to register what had just happened.

I had just been challenged by a twelve-year-old. Oh, how silly of her to challenge me, The Chosen One, to a fight. Not to mention she does not even have half of my experience as a lightsaber duelist.

Tossing my thoughts aside, I chased after her. I used the Force to my advantage and picked up my speed to catch up with her. However, even with my speed boost, she was still out of my sight, but I could sense her through the Force and that was the only thing that was guiding me down the right path.

°Krataa's POV°
I arrived at the spot that I picked out for Vader and Obi-Wan to meet. I quickly hid my Force-signature, leaving Vader with only information of my last location, which is the meeting point. I used the Force to leap onto the roof of the building, making sure that once he emerges from the building that he would not be able to spot me. Once I saw him frantically looking around for me, I contacted him through the Force.

Krataa - You better wait there, Lord Vader. Stop looking around for me, you will never find me.

Vader - What?! Why should I listen to you, child?!

Krataa - Oh, ho, ho. You don't want to listen to me, fine. However, our Master ordered me to bring you here and I'll be in big trouble if I fail him. You don't want me to die, do you? I know you still care about me, Lord Vader.

There was a pause.

Vader - Alright, fine. But I'm only staying here because it's our Master's orders. It's not because I still care about you, Mel-

Krataa - How many times do I have to tell you?! Melisa is dead! I, am Darth Krataa! I am more powerful than Melisa Starkiller!

Another pause. I could feel that Vader was contemplating his choice of words for his response.

Vader - Okay, Lady Krataa, now that I know your name, I will use it.

Krataa - If you ever use that name again, I will see that your death will be by my blade.

°Vader's POV°
I didn't expect her to be so fierce. Now I'm afraid of her.

~~timey wimey skippy whippy~~

°Padmé's POV°
I spotted Anakin's Starfighter and landed next to it. There was also another Starfighter to which I did not know who it belonged. I exited my ship as quickly as I could and I saw someone emerge from the building in front of me. The figure was covered head to toe in a black robe. I could not see a single feature.

"Follow me," the figure said. "I will bring you to him."

"You mean you will bring me to Anakin?"

"He is no longer Anakin Skywalker, but Darth Vader, miss."

"I know, but he is my husband and the father of our child. I have to try to bring him back."

"You may try, miss, but he has fallen too far. Take that as a warning to you. Now, we must make haste. Follow me."

I nod, letting the small figure lead me to my Ani.

°Obi-Wan's POV°
I waited until the two voices were nowhere to be heard. Once I was certain that they were gone, I exited the Senator's ship and searched for Melisa's Force-signature since I had sensed it here when I was on the Senator's ship. However, no matter how much I concentrated, I could not find her. I did feel something else though, something... dark.

Anakin. No... he... he's going to... I have to stop him from killing his own wife and child.

°Krataa's POV°
Vader is strangling his wife and I am just hoping that Obi-Wan makes it here on time. Well, speak of the devil. He's here.

"Anakin! Put her down! She is innocent!"

"You! You turned her against me!"

"You have done that yourself."

Just like that, Vader released his wife's throat from his grasp. She fell to the floor, unconscious. Obi-Wan checks her pulse before removing his robe and preparing for their lightsaber duel. I contacted my Master through the Force, saying that both Jedi and Sith were about to engage in battle.

Sidious - Good, once they are distracted, make your escape.

Krataa - But what about the Senator, Master?

Sidious - Bring her to me. I will ensure that the children are delivered safely.

Krataa - Yes, my Master.

Once the two men were concentrated on their duel enough to not notice me, I jumped down from the roof and carried the Senator to my Starfighter. I was lucky that my Starfighter had a co-pilot seat behind the pilot's seat and once I strapped her in, I was headed to the rendezvous point to meet my Master.

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