~Chapter 28~

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°Sidious' POV°
I was waiting in my office when Lord Vader contacted me, saying that he has slaughtered everyone in the Temple and is about to blow it up. I tell him to go to Mustafar and await further instructions after destroying the Temple.

°Krataa's POV°
I landed on Mustafar in my Jedi Starfighter and immediately headed to the room where the Separatist Leaders were gathered. I hope they will all be clustered in one tiny room so I can fry all of them with Force lightning. That'll be the easiest way to kill them as long as no one else interferes.

I don't think anyone knows of my turn to the Dark Side as of yet, but they will, eventually. I will make sure of it.

I reach the room where the Separatist Leaders are gathered. It is quite roomy and I didn't expect the number of them to be so little. Either way, they will meet their deaths in mere moments. One of the members spoke up, saying that my Master has informed them of my arrival. He continued to say that he did not expect my Master to send such a young pupil to learn the ropes of politics.

"I'm not here to learn politics, sir. I am here, to see that you are on task with the plans for the new space station. It will be the Empire's primary weapon, of course. That is what I am here to learn about. I am not in charge of politics, so see to it that you get your facts right before opening that disgraceful mouth of yours. Or else, I will see to it that you will be swiftly taken care of." That should be enough to scare them. My plan will come full circle very soon, as long as my Master doesn't send Anakin here to deal with these fools.

The one that had opened his ignorant mouth to me before was none other than Nute Gunray, the Neimoidian Viceroy for the Trade Federation. His expression after my speech was that of surprise and a bit of fear that he was hiding, and that was only by looking at the surface of him. I didn't even delve into his inner feelings yet. Getting to know each and every one of them through the Force would help me substantially when I come to the part of slaughtering them since I will be able to exploit their fears easier that way.

°Vader's POV°
When I was looking for the landing platform on Mustafar, I spotted a familiar Starfighter. I wondered where I had seen it before. Ah, now I remember. That Starfighter is Melisa's, but what business does she have here? I decided to land next to her Starfighter and start my search for her. Just as I was about to leave my Starfighter, my Master contacted me.

"I told you to wait for further orders once you arrive on Mustafar, my apprentice, or did you intend to ignore my orders?"

"N-no, Master. Curiosity got the best of me when I spotted my old Padawan's Starfighter on the planet."

"What is more important to you, Lord Vader. Your old apprentice, or your Master? Don't forget that you are no longer a Master to that girl, and you are now an apprentice to me."

"Yes, Master. I apologise for not thinking clearly, it is a flaw that I must work on."

"Good, if you don't, you know what will happen."

My Master cut the connection and I was left to sit in the cockpit of my Starfighter to reflect on my mistake.

°Krataa's POV°
There was only one member left and the meeting room was nothing but dead bodies that were carefully killed to make sure there were no visible scars on the victims. I took the remaining member by the throat, ever so slightly choking him to death, and that member was Nute Gunray. I purposely left him for last so he could see the consequences of his huge ignorant blabbering mouth. At this point I had already made sure that he could not be heard by anyone in the vicinity, if there are any, by sealing his mouth shut with the Force, as well as slowly crushing his neck. I wanted to make him suffer for the words that he used on me. A minute later, I thought enough was enough and finally crushed his airpipe. I released my grip on him and his body fell limp to the floor with a thud.

Now I had to decide if I wanted to leave these bodies here, or dispose of them in the lava surrounding this entire base. Disposing of them would not take a huge toll of my energy so, why not? I could dispose of them and make it look like I wasn't even here and neither were they. My Master had interrupted my plan when my com-link buzzed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"What is it that I must do, Master?"

"I need you to lure your former Master through this room and out the other side of the base, then I will need you to lure Obi-Wan to his location."

"Yes, Master. I will bring Anakin to the location and leave the bodies here as you have instructed."

"Very well my apprentice. Make sure you are in the correct condition before confronting your former Master."

"Yes, my Master. I will not fail you."

"I expect to hear from you soon, my young apprentice."

The connection was cut, I looked around the room in disgust. Anakin would be here soon, if he wasn't already here. I'll head back to the landing platform to wait for him.

°Vader's POV°
I was still waiting in my cockpit. I haven't heard anything from my Master or Melisa yet, if she is even here. I decided on meditating for a while after my conversations with my Master but I have since stopped as I was feeling that something bad was happening right here on the planet, but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly was happening.

A few moments later, my old Padawan came out of the building, shrouded in darkness. I could feel the negativity coming from her. Instinctively, I jumped out of the cockpit of my Starfighter and approached her. She was wearing a black robe, similar to that of my Master's. Her hood was covering her face, the only visible part being her mouth, which had a wicked smirk plastered on it. I was taken aback by her cruel expression, not expecting my former Padawan to have this side that I have not yet seen and I do not want to stick around to find out what she can do with the Dark Side at her command. I did not expect her to have fallen so far, but, so have I, haven't I? There is no turning back now, it is... too late.

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