~Chapter 14~

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   Once Anakin and I were on board, we went to the medical bay to check up on both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. When we got there, Obi-Wan was starting to sit up so I rushed over to help him. Qui-Gon on the other hand, was still unconscious. I helped Obi-Wan stand and we all went over to Qui-Gon. We all knew that he wouldn't make it but something inside me just wouldn't except that he was going to die. I could feel the same thing going on with Anakin, he was so close to his Master that he wouldn't except his death. If I knew Anakin well enough, he wouldn't be content until his Master's killer was found and killed in his own hands.

   We crowded Qui-Gon's bed, the tension between all of us was unbearable. None of us spoke, we just stared at Qui-Gon's lifeless body with his pulse weakening every second. Then, Qui-Gon managed to open his eyes. He whispered something to Anakin and slipped off into darkness.

°Anakin's POV°
   I was holding Qui-Gon's hand until he slowly opened his eyes. I held his hand tighter, hoping that he wouldn't die right in front of my eyes.

   "Anakin..." He said in barely a whisper and motioned me to come closer. I did as he wanted and leaned in to listen to his last words.

   "Anakin, promise me you'll train Melisa. She's strong in the Force and she can grow to become a great Jedi."

   "Yes Master, I promise you I will train Melisa no matter what happens." I said, my voice cracking a little as I speak.

   "Good, good..." And with that, he drifted off into eternal sleep.

   I felt a small hand on my shoulder as I sobbed. I turned and hugged her, not caring that Obi-Wan was staring at us. She was surprised at first but she did hug back.

°Obi-Wan's POV°
   I stared wide eyed at the two of them... hugging... I felt so awkward at that moment. I cleared my throat to grab their attention but failed a couple times. When I finally got their attention, they pulled away from each other and looked at me with their tear filled eyes. I guess Qui-Gon's death affected them more than it did on me, sure I felt sad but not to the extent that I would cry.

   Anakin wiped away his tears, he opened his mouth to say something but seem to be contemplating how to say it. He sighed, looking and Melisa then back at me.

   "M-my Master a-asked me to promise him th-that I would train Melisa. O-of course I p-promised him. I-I-I couldn't say no to the final request of a dying man." His voice was still shaky, probably from sobbing but he smiled at the end.

   I nodded and turned my attention to Melisa who was staring at Anakin with a shocked expression. Her mouth was ajar as she stood there, looking up at Anakin then back at me for confirmation. I nodded at her as if to say she wasn't hearing things and that she was going to be trained by Anakin when he achieves the rank of Jedi Knight.

   "I'll put in a request to the Jedi Council to allow you to train her, hopefully they approve or else your promise to Qui-Gon would be an empty one." I told Anakin.

   "Thank you Obi-Wan. I will fulfill my Master's final wish even if the Council disapproves." He said, smiling through those teary eyes.

   "Wait, wait, wait... So what you're saying is that if the Council approves or not, that I will be trained by Anakin. Did I get that right?" Melisa asked, I assumed it was because she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

   I nodded and she looked at me with her jaw dropped. I could see the disbelief and shock in her eyes as she shook her head. Her shocked expression then turned into an excited one as everything settled in.

   "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my goosh!! I can't believe it!! I'm so happy right now that I could burst into a thousand pieces without worrying about anything anymore!!" She said as she jumped happily around the room.

   Anakin and I let out a chuckle at how excited she was because even though she's still a mere child, she acts older than her age most of the time and seeing this type of excitement from her is very rare. Anakin finally managed to calm her down and we exited the medbay to go to the conference room to call the Council about our semi-success.

~time skippy back to Coruscant~

°Anakin's POV°
   The Council told us to report immediately to them once we landed back on Coruscant. I wasn't sure if they wanted to see Melisa too so I just brought her along with us. Besides, it's not her first time in front of the Council. I shouldn't have to worry so much but for some reason I am.

   Am I just protective of her? Or is it... no. No I can't think of her like that. She's eight years younger than me. My feelings shouldn't go down that route.

   I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't hear what the Council just said.

   "Skywalker? Did you hear what we just said?" Master Windu asked and that snapped me out of my daze.

   "Uh, um, no Master. Sorry Master. My thoughts were... elsewhere." I replied nervously. I hoped that he wouldn't give me a scolding.

   "Yes, it does seem that way but you must focus Skywalker. I will not repeat myself again Skywalker so listen close. Since you have successfully completed your trials and we are now going to knight you."

   I nodded and dropped to one knee while the Masters, and Obi-Wan, stood and ignited their sabers to knight me.

   "Anakin Skywalker, I now promote you to the rank of Jedi Knight. Welcome to the Jedi Order, you are now an official member of the Order. Rise, young Skywalker." Master Windu's voice echoed around the room as he said those words.

   I stood and the Masters deactivated their lightsabers and returned them to their belts. Melisa was at the back of the room when I was knighted.

   I turned and smiled to Melisa as I ushered her to join me in the centre of the room. Obi-Wan began telling the rest of the Council about what happened between us and the Sith, he left out the part about my Master's final wish as he thought it would be best for me to say it.

   After he was done explaining, the Council was ready to dismiss us but I spoke up about Qui-Gon's last wish. The Masters stared at me wide eyed when I finished. They threw each other a few worry some looks as they discussed what was to be done about this.

   Finally, Master Yoda spoke up, "Skywalker, deal with this later, we shall. First, Qui-Gon's funeral, we must hold." The rest of the Council agreed to Master Yoda's decision and the meeting was dismissed to prepare for my Master's funeral.

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