~Chapter 9~

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°Anakin's POV°
   Today's the big day. I've done as much preparation as I could in the last week and I feel that this will be the one which I pass. I will not get kicked out of the Jedi Order. I will remain and become a Jedi Knight and then, Master.

   I could've passed on my last attempt but my Master helped me too much. So much to the point where the Council had to fail me because of him. He disobeyed the Council too far and thus I failed. I was supposed to pass, but because of my Master, I didn't.

   I've asked Obi-Wan to help me on this problem and hopefully he will keep my Master at bay and only help me when I really need it. I'm really counting on him for this one.

   Its time to go get Melisa, hopefully she can come along. I can't think of what she'll feel like when she doesn't know how i'm doing. Anyways, best not get sidetracked.

   I walk out of my room in the direction of Melisa's room and I bumped into Obi-Wan along the way. The curiosity building inside me couldn't be contained much longer so I asked him if Melisa would be able to come along. He hesitated for a moment, then bluntly said no. However, if Melisa really wanted to come along, Obi-Wan said that she could sneak aboard the ship to come with us. Of course Master Yoda would realise she was missing and send Jedi to look for her so we would have to leave him a message.

   I stood there and pondered if it was the right choice to bring along Melisa but Obi-Wan interrupted my thoughts.

   "Well? Is she coming? Because if she is, I would have to send the message to Master Yoda immediately since we are leaving soon." Obi-Wan asked.

   "I need to go ask her first. Its most likely she'll come along so get that message ready." I responded.

   "Alright. But inform me as soon as you can. We're leaving in half an hour."


   I say goodbye to Obi-Wan and sprinted towards Melisa's room. It only took a minute to get there since I was most of the way there already. I hurriedly knocked on the door and was greeted by Melisa almost immediately.

°Melisa's POV°
   I was sitting on my bunk reading a book when suddenly, there was a hurried knock on the door. I hopped down and immediately opened it to see Anakin looking exhausted.

   "Quickly! I need you to tell me if you're coming with me to Alderaan! Obi-Wan needs the information as soon as possible! Quick!" Anakin rushed his speech so much that it almost didn't register in my mind.

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down Master Skywalker. Um, there's some other younglings in my room right now so... let's go somewhere more private."

   "Okay, okay. Follow me I'll bring you to Obi-Wan and you can tell him yourself."

   "Alright, lead the way."

   Anakin nodded and started sprinting down the hallway. I darted after him as quickly as I could, using the Force to help boost my speed a little. I soon caught up with him and Obi-Wan was right around the corner, waiting impatiently for an answer. Anakin paused to catch his breath before answering him and so did I.

   "Obi-Wan, Melisa. Will tell you. Herself. If she's. Coming, or, not." Anakin said, pausing to get air at certain points.

   Obi-Wan nodded and turned his attention to me. Seeing that I was still panting, Obi-Wan didn't say anything for a while. Once I calmed down and caught my breath, he asked me if I was tagging along with them to Alderaan.

   "Yes Master Kenobi. I want to come with you, if I can that is."

   "It is possible, but I'll have to inform Master Yoda about this. I presume you need a lightsaber so I'm requesting a training saber from Master Yoda if you're coming along. You'll have to defend yourself, Qui-Gon and I will be too busy assessing Anakin to help you."

   "Yes Master Kenobi. I promise I won't get in your way, nor will I bother you. You won't have to worry about me."

   "Good. I'll send the message to Master Yoda now. We'll be leaving in twenty minutes. I don't think you'll need to pack anything, but you'll have to hide when we get on the ship. We don't want the clones suspecting anything."

   I nodded in response and Obi-Wan brought up his comm to send the message to Master Yoda.

   Master Yoda had reluctantly agreed to allow me to go with them and told Obi-Wan to meet him with me in training room 3. Obi-Wan acknowledges and gestures for me to follow him.

   Obi-Wan and I ran to training room 3 while Anakin went to prepare the ship for take-off. By the time Obi-Wan and I reached training room 3, I was panting all over again even though I had used the Force to enhance my speed. Obi-Wan on the other hand, was perfectly fine. He gave me a comforting look before we entered.

   Master Yoda was waiting for us and had a lightsaber in hand. He tossed it over to me and I caught it using the Force to guide my movements. I was expecting the blade to be of a blue colour since i wasn't that attuned with the Force compared to my fighting skills. However, the blade that ignited when I turned the lightsaber on, was green. A smile could be seen on Yoda's face as he studied my expressions towards the blade he gave me.

   Obi-Wan walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, meaning that we had to leave. I deactivated the lightsaber and hooked it onto my belt that I wore everywhere. I bowed to Master Yoda and turned to walk towards the ship with Obi-Wan.

   Once we were out of the room, we darted towards the ship. Both of us using the Force to enhance our speed. We got there in a matter of minutes and Anakin was sitting in the pilot's seat, ready to take-off.

   "What took you so long?" Anakin asked sarcastically.

   "Well let's just say that Melisa here was very intrigued with her training saber that Master Yoda gave her." Obi-Wan answered.

   "Well, buckle up. We're just about to leave."

   "Wait, where's Qui-Gon? Are we going to leave without him?" I asked.

   "Oh, he's in the lounge." Anakin answered.

   I nodded my head in acknowledgement and took the seat behind Anakin. Obi-Wan took the co-pilot's seat. Then, the ship powered up and we blasted off into space towards Alderaan.

   I had no idea what I was getting myself into, though I knew I could handle myself and I'll have to prove it to the Council. If I manage to survive this mission, that would prove my abilities are well over those of a normal youngling. And that I deserve to be a Padawan.

   As I was lost in my thoughts, Anakin had initiated the jump to hyperspace as I felt a sudden jolt of the ship which pushed me back in my seat, causing me to be snapped out of my thoughts and brought back to the real world. Obi-Wan had unbuckled from the co-pilot's seat and sat in the seat behind it, looking right at me.

   "You are troubled young one. Why?" He asked.

   "Oh, uh. Nothing! Nothing at all!" I answered hastily.

   "There's no use lying to me Melisa, I can feel the fear in you."

   "I-I can't tell you. It will just make me feel, worse about the mission."

   "Why?" He gave me a look that said tell me more.

   "Stop asking me Master Kenobi! I can't answer you! I've already said it!" I yelled at him, stressed that he kept pushing me to tell him.

   "This can't be kept a secret for long Melisa. You'll have to tell us eventually."

   I nodded with my head in my hands, not saying a word. I didn't feel like talking to him. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I had a vision. Anakin had obviously heard our conversation as I could sense that he wanted to talk to me. I guess he could sense my fear just as Obi-Wan did.

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