~Chapter 25~

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°Palpatine's POV°
   She chose to lie to me, haha! Big mistake little girl. Although, it is understandable since she doesn't know that I was the one that called her here. She was terrified when I called out her lie, I could feel her fear radiating from her body and it was a wonderful feeling. I didn't want to give myself away so soon so I resumed to normal conversations.

   She wasn't letting her guard down, which is good if she were to become my apprentice. After a few more minutes of useless chatter, I finally decided that it had gone on for long enough and that it was time to reveal my plan and who I am.

   "-and well, it was really-"

   "Melisa I am going to have to stop you right there because I have something to tell you."

   She nods slowly, I assume that she is weary of what I am about to say.

   "I, am the voice in your head. I, am the one that called you to meet me and I, am the Sith Lord the Jedi are looking for."

   Her eyes showed terror, shock and realisation. She was looking for words to say but I cut her off once again.

   "Now, before you say anything, I am going to give you a warning. If you tell the Jedi, or if you have thoughts on telling them that I am a Sith Lord, I will hunt you down and torture you to your death." I pause for a moment to let that sink in, "I will require you to be a spy for me. I have a feeling that the Jedi are going to turn against me when your Master tells them about me. I need you to scout out potential threats and report them to me. If you don't, then you will meet your end shortly."

°Melisa's POV°
   What he said stunned me but also confirmed my assumption. I didn't want to die so young and I know that those aren't empty threats since he's a Sith Lord. I had no choice but to agree with his demands, I didn't want to but there was no other choice.

   "Good. Good. Now remember our agreement and you shall live when Order 66 is executed."

   "Yes, sir."

   "Excellent. Now, go my young apprentice, and remember, it includes your Master as well." He finished with a snarl, while I rose from my seat and took a bow before I left his chambers.

   On my way back to my room, I thought over what the Chancellor had said, the threats he made, the truth he exposed to me and Order 66. What is Order 66? He said that I'll live if I keep his identity a secret when Order 66 is executed. Does that mean that he's going to kill people? Maybe the Jedi? But how will he kill them without being noticed? Wait a minute, the Clones are under the Chancellor's orders to help the Jedi so maybe he would relay a command to the Clone Commanders to exterminate the Jedi for him. Then he would make up some excuse to say to the Senate to convince them that the Jedi had to be killed for the war to end.


   Palpy - You are very clever my young apprentice.

   Mel - Right, I forgot you are still in my head. Well I guess that since you said I'm clever, that I got almost everything about your plan right.

   Palpy - Indeed, my young apprentice.

   Mel - Not willing to spill the rest of your secrets for fear that I will expose you?

   Palpy - Not at all, my young apprentice. In fact I do not fear that at all for fear, is a weakness.

   I stopped talking to him after that. I guess he could sense the fear in other beings and deem them weak because, to be honest, fear does make you take plenty of precautions. I know that the Jedi are scared of the Sith taking over and gaining power to cause chaos in the galaxy. That means that according to Palpatine's statement, the Jedi are weak.

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