~Chapter 4~

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   After a few seconds, we reached our stop and as we came out of hyperspace, the blue cloud gave way to the black space that we are all familiar with. A planet appeared not long after we dropped out of hyperspace and it looked like Dagobah.

   "Is that Dagobah?" I asked, to confirm my assumption.

   "Wha- how did you know?" Anakin said, shocked.

   "Huh, guess I was right then. I did read up on Star Wars when I was on Earth. So, i'm kinda a Star Wars nerd."

   "Huh, okay then. I don't know what that means but I bet it means you know a lot about our universe."

   "Yea, I know a lot, but I don't know everything. Even if I did do a lot of research."

   "Well, since Dagobah is densely populated with trees as lifeforms, we should be able to hide from the council if they realise that we're missing. So I thought this would be the perfect planet to train on."

   "That's true. So I guess we won't be in much trouble right? Or are we gonna get a scolding from Master Yoda when we get back?"

   "Nah, we won't, I'll just say that we went all over Coruscant and went to space to see the whole planet. That'll solve it."

   "Okay, i'm putting my trust in you for this one. But if we get in trouble, its all you, okay?"

   "Okay, okay. I'll take the blame, only if we both get a scolding. If it's you alone, then I can't help you. Okay?"

   "Alright. You said it yourself, and don't expect me to help you if you're the only one in trouble."

   Anakin landed his ship on an open patch which was quite hard to find, as Dagobah has so many trees that the entire planet is covered with them. He cut down some trees with his lightsaber to make a big enough space so that he could begin teaching me how to use a lightsaber. Once he cut down enough trees, he turned to me, handed out his lightsaber and said, "show me what you can do. I need to know your strengths before I can teach you anything. Since you've read a lot about us, I think you should be able to pull off some lightsaber moves."

   "Okay, I'll show you what I'm good at. But only on one condition, you don't tell anyone that I already know some lightsaber moves. Including Obi-Wan. I intend to get out of Master Yoda's class before he starts teaching us lightsaber moves, but after I get my Kyber Crystal. So then, I'll be spared of the basics."

   "Its a deal. I won't tell anyone that you posses some skill with the blade and you won't tell anyone that I'm teaching you early."


   "Shall we begin?"

   "Of course, Master Skywalker."

   Anakin nods his head and hands me his lightsaber. I take it and he shows me where to point the saber before activating it. After pointing the saber in a safe direction, I activate it and started doing some spins, attacks and defences. Anakin had a blaster on him and he fired some non-lethal shots so that I could practice deflecting blaster shots.

   After I got used to deflecting without a blindfold, Anakin pulled out a piece of cloth and tied it around my eyes. He told me calmly to focus and use the Force to "see" the blaster shots. I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself and activated the saber. Anakin fired a few shots but I panicked and wasn't focused enough. I didn't deflect a single blast, they all hit me. I was lucky Anakin set the blaster to non-lethal.

   Then, Anakin let me prepare and recollect myself for a few seconds before he stared the second round. During that time, I calmed myself and focused. I let the Force flow through me and managed to deflect the blaster shots perfectly.

   Anakin was surprised by how skilled and attuned to the Force I was, as many younglings my age would flunk these lessons and might just injure or kill themselves. So they would have to wait until they are older to let them handle lightsabers as they are too playful at five years old.

   I was the more mature of the kids in the group as I was the one with the longest attention span. I matured much faster than them and know when was the right time to play, and when was the right time to focus. They knew that too, but sometimes, they just forget and their attention span shortens to only a few seconds before they start talking to each other and making a fool of themselves. There were times when I wished the other kids would just grow up, since they were training to be Jedi. Sometimes, they act like they don't care what is going on and they don't want to become Jedi, but maybe for some of them, they still can't understand why they are here. They think it's just a field trip and that they will go home to their parents after the trip is over.

   However, I was the only one in the batch that knew the costs of becoming a Jedi, you have to leave your family, cast away your personal feelings for them just to make the right decision and save the majority instead of those you love. Being a Jedi means sacrificing a lot of things to save the majority, I understood that, but the others didn't. They don't know how much they need to sacrifice, but Master Yoda will tell them soon. They would still want to be Jedi then but, who am I to decide their life.

   After a few more practice rounds, Anakin decided that it was time to go back to Coruscant. We hop into his ship and took off. Once we were in space, Anakin put in the coordinates to Coruscant and initiated the jump to hyperspace.

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