~Chapter 21~

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°Melisa's POV°
   My head hurts like the devil, I can't stand it anymore. I need Anakin to hold me, that way he'll go away. It's the only way he'll leave me alone, unless I go meet him. He's sending all these negative energies that are making my head practically explode. I need Anakin's warmth, he's like... he's like my brother... my saviour, my protector.

   Realisation hit me hard then. I was regaining my memories faster than I expected. The headache had stopped when I remembered that he was like a brother to me.

   I open my eyes to see two men hovering over me, Anakin and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan spoke to someone out of my view and I couldn't hear what he was saying. Anakin had a worried expression plastered on his face and I gave him a confused look. He broke eye contact as he hung his head and shook it.

°Anakin's POV°
   I want to tell her what she just did but I can't. Master Yoda came in when he sensed a disturbance in the Force coming from my room. I had beckoned him in at the time because we couldn't get Melisa under control. When she gave me that confused and innocent look, I wanted to tell her everything that she did but I can't. Master Yoda said to keep it a secret from her lest she looks for the source of what happened.

   "Are you okay? Do you feel that there is anything that isn't supposed to be there? Or do you feel sore anywhere?" I asked, concerned for her mental and physical health.

   She just stared at me and gave me that confused look again. I tried asking one more time but she was still confused.

   "Master, I think there's something wrong with Melisa. I tried to inquire about her well-being but she didn't respond." I told Master Yoda. He gave me a nod and motioned for me to move aside.

°Melisa's POV°
   Master Yoda sat on the bed beside me. I saw his mouth moving but I couldn't hear a thing he said. Anakin also tried talking to me but it was the same result. Did I become deaf? What happened to me that made me loose my hearing? First it was my memories, now it's my ability to listen. When will this nightmare end.

°Anakin's POV°
   I saw that Melisa was lost in thought, I tried bringing her back to reality but I couldn't snap her out of it. So I tried to communicate with her telepathically.

(Ani=Anakin, Mel=Melisa)

   Ani - Hey Melisa, can you hear me?

   Mel - Yeah. I think I've gone deaf. I remember that I think of you like a brother now. Once I remembered that, the headache went away and well... this happened.

   Ani - I see. Thank goodness you're okay though. Well I guess we have to communicate like this now. Until you get back your hearing, of course. I'll tell Obi-Wan and Master Yoda about this. Master Yoda might be able to help.

   Mel - Okay, thanks. Oh, and another thing before you go.

   Ani - What is it?

   Mel - Well, just know that I can still talk, I just can't hear anything.

   Ani - Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully you'll regain your hearing soon.

   Mel - Yeah, hopefully.

   I looked over to the two Jedi staring at us. Obi-Wan gave me a questioning look before I could say anything. I knew I had to tell them no matter what, so I did just that. I told them everything that Melisa told me.

   "Are you serious Anakin?! Did Melisa really say that?!" Obi-Wan questioned. I nodded my head sadly.

   "It's true Obi-Wan! I'm not lying!" Melisa suddenly shouted out of nowhere, startling all of us.

   "Melisa I thought you couldn't hear anything?" I asked.

   She paused for a while before saying, "I still can't, I just figured out how to read your lips. That's why I pause a while before saying anything because I need to interpret what you guys are saying."

   Well, that just blew my mind, I thought. I was too astound by Melisa's quick learning abilities to say anything. She spoke out of nowhere once again.

   "Why are you just staring at me Master Skywalker? Has the cat got your tongue?" She smirked, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I had no idea what to say.

   I finally managed to blurt out some words that made no sense, "I, uh, um, I, I was just. I was just amazed by your, um, your quick learning abilities. It's amazing how you find a solution to your problem so fast, not even I could've learned how to read lips so fast."

   She gave me a confused look, then said, "Master Skywalker, I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you please talk slower so that I am able to interpret what you are trying to say?"

   I nodded and repeated what I said without the stuttering, this time slower so that she can catch what I said.

   "Well, well, well, perhaps I have better problem solving skills then. Either way, I'm flattered by the praise Master Skywalker." She said, a smirk still on her face.

   Master Yoda cleared his throat to get our attention, "inform the rest of the Council about this, I must. Help Melisa with her hearing, you two should. Regain it quickly, or else, trouble, it might cause.

   "Yes Master." Obi-Wan and I said, unanimously.

   "One more thing Master, Melisa has regained her memories about me. I feel that the Council should be informed of that as well." I told him. He nodded and proceeded to walk out of my room to, probably, start a meeting with the high members of the Council.

°Melisa's POV°
   I was watching the men talk, hoping to decipher what they were saying. When Master Yoda left, the headache came back. This time, it was much worse.

   "Arrgh! Ahh! Too. Much. Pain. Arrgh! Must. Resist. Temptation. Arrgh!" I screamed, I felt him inside me again. I thought he would've left me alone but no, he continues to torment me.

   The more I fight him, the more my head hurts. If I give in, he might not torment me anymore. I have to do it, I have to give in or this headache will never go away.


Can you guys guess who's doing this to Melisa? Leave your guesses in the comments! I would love to read them.

Aaanyways, I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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