~Chapter 12~

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   The Sith were here, two Sith might I add. Their hatred, anger and all negative emotions fueled the Dark Side. It was... an amazing feeling to me. I've never felt so much hatred in my life until now and surprisingly, I liked it. Their power, so strong. I wanted it, I wanted to experience it. To feel what it's like to be in control of so much power.

   No. I couldn't. What was I thinking? I can't let my emotions get the better of me, not right now.

   Anakin already had his lightsaber ignited as he stared into Darth Maul's eyes which are yellow with hints of red. The signifying colour eyes of the Sith.

   I could feel his anger rising. He turned to the Senator and told her to run to the ship while the four of us fought the Sith Lords. Anakin's anger was still rising so I put my hand on his arm to comfort him. His muscles tensed at my touch but he did calm down.

   Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan noticed what I did and I immediately put my hand down after sensing their eyes on me. I felt a little awkward after that and blushed a little. I can't be attached to Anakin or anyone that I meet, it would only cloud my judgement and get me killed, or worse, I could turn to the Dark Side due to my clouded judgements.

   I quickly close my eyes to clear my mind of the thought. I had to stay clear-headed to be of any help in this fight. When I open my eyes, I saw that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had their lightsabers ignited. I turned my attention to the Sith Lords and saw that they were advancing on us, slowly. I thought to myself: since when did they learn patience?

   I stay close to Qui-Gon, hoping that he would break off from Obi-Wan and Anakin so he and I could take on one Sith while they take the other. Thankfully, he did just that. As the Sith Lords approached, Qui-Gon and I start splitting off from Obi-Wan and Anakin, hopefully signalling to them that we would like to fight them separately.

   The two Sith break off from each other, one going to Obi-Wan and Anakin, while the other went towards Qui-Gon and I. We had our lightsabers at the ready if they make any sudden movements.

   Then, as if right on cue, both Sith Lords sprinted towards each group, igniting their blood red lightsabers as they closed the gap. They both moved perfectly in sync, as if they were the same person.

Author's Note:
First off, I'm not good at writing lightsaber fights since it's my first book, so please cut me some slack. Second, this is going to require a lot of imagination on the reader's part since I can't write lightsaber fights. Now, back to the story!

°3rd Person POV°
   As the Sith Lords closed the gap between them and the Jedi, it became clear that Darth Maul was going after Anakin and Obi-Wan, while the hooded Sith was going towards Qui-Gon and Melisa.

   The two Masters seem to be letting the younger take the Sith, not really participating in the fight. They still assisted them but mostly stayed back for the younger to deal with the Sith.

   The fight raged on, neither party seeming to tire. Anakin and Melisa were perspiring as they fought their individual Sith. Their clothes soaked with their sweat. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on the other hand, weren't breaking a sweat at all.

°Anakin & Obi-Wan's fight°
   Darth Maul matched the strikes of both Jedi with his double bladed lightsaber, not seeming to tire in the least. He kept up to pace with the Jedi and didn't falter at any defence. His attacks were strong, fueled by the Dark Side. Anakin was nearly overwhelmed by some of Darth Maul's attacks, nearly tumbling to the ground.

   Anakin had a little trouble defending the Sith Lord's attacks as his energy had been drained from being constantly attacked by the Sith Lord with barely any help from Obi-Wan. He still pushed on despite his muscles' protests for him to just drop limp to the ground in exhaustion.

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