~Chapter 16~

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°Anakin's POV°
   I didn't know how I was going to say it. I wasn't even sure if I could do it or if Melisa wanted me to protect her. Melisa clearly noticed that I was pondering about it since she threw me a worried look.

   "Are... you okay Anakin?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

   "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I replied, looking down as I said it.

   "Then... why do you look like you have something to tell me?"

   I let out a sigh and decided that it was best to let her know how I felt.

   "Well Melisa, I want you to know that I will protect you no matter what. You can always count on me."

   "Well duh! Who else can I trust more than you! Besides Master Kenobi, that is." She hits my chest playfully, causing me to blush slightly. I tried to hide it but failed as I noticed the grin creeping onto her face.

   I let go of her shoulders and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "I-I'm not done yet you little joker. Let me finish okay?"

   She nods slowly and gestures for me to continue.

   "Well... I also want you to know that... uh... well... I... I like you. So I want to protect you like my life depends on it because... you're like a sister to me and I don't want anything bad happening to you. I don't want to lose you like how I lost my Master." I said, grabbing her shoulders again as I said the last sentence. I looked into her eyes to find answers to if she felt the same way about me.

   She just stared at me, not saying a word. I started getting worried, thinking that I had made a mistake.

   "I-" I was cut off by Melisa placing a finger on my lips. I felt myself blush at her touch, I don't know why I was feeling this way.

   "Don't. Say. Anything. Let me process this." She hissed. I nodded slightly and she removed her finger from my lips.

   Do I like, like her? But I can't. I can't love her. The Jedi Code forbids it. Plus she's young enough to be my sister. I can't disobey the Code. My thoughts were betraying me a little as the conflict grew inside me. The battle of going against the Code or obeying it.

°Melisa's POV°
   I can't believe what I just heard. Anakin actually feels the same way about me! Now I can stop worrying about that. Wait, what am I thinking? I can't have feelings for him. The Code forbids it, I know it does. But the conflict in me is growing as I contemplate whether I should be his Padawan despite all the feelings I'm getting. They will only develop into stronger ones over time and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

   My thoughts will be clouded if I stay like this. I don't know if I'll be able to let go of him when he... I don't want to say or think it. I have to clear my mind. I should tell him, that'll help. Hopefully. The Force energy around us is tense, it feels like there is the same conflict in him as well.

   "A-Anakin... I... have to tell you something."

   He nods to tell me to continue.

   "Well... I... feel the same way about you Anakin."

   His anxious expression turned into a shocked one and when everything sets in, his shocked expression turned into that of happiness. He made sure that no one was around and quickly pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back, thankful that it had worked. But there was still that tiny sliver of conflict in Anakin that I feel. I'm worried that he'll turn and that thought brings back that same feeling I had before.

   We hugged for what seemed like hours until we both felt a presence coming towards Anakin's room. We quickly pulled away and acted like we were just talking. We felt that the person was at the door and was about to come in. We braced ourselves for a scolding when the door opened to reveal a beaten up Obi-Wan at the door.

   Anakin immediately jumped up to help Obi-Wan to the sofa. I threw a worried look at Anakin to receive the same look back. That was when I sensed it. The Jedi Temple was under attack by rogue civilians who are saying that the Jedi are no better than the Sith. The wave of negativity hit me real hard. I clutched my head and leaned my elbows on my knees. There was so much negative energy that even Anakin stumbled to get into a chair.

   The pain subsided after a few minutes and I see Anakin getting up to help Obi-Wan with his wounds. I could feel him getting weaker by the second. I felt for his pulse and when I found it, it was very, very weak. Obi-Wan didn't seem weak but he was. His breathing became laboured and I had to go get the medical kit stored in Anakin's room.

   "There, that should do it." Anakin finally broke the silence after bandaging Obi-Wan's final wound. "I still don't believe a bunch of civilians could do this much damage. It must've been someone else, with a weapon maybe."

   "Well, you are right about that. But they were still civilians that attacked. We didn't want to hurt them so this is the damage they did." Obi-Wan replied, gesturing to his wounds. "The other Jedi weren't as unlucky as I though." He said with a small grin.

   "You still have the energy to crack jokes even in this state huh?" Anakin joked and crossed his arms across his chest.

   "Well it would be nice if you had the energy to tell is what exactly happened out there." I chipped in, using the same tone as Anakin and crossing my arms in the same manner.

   "Oh don't worry. I have plenty of energy for that." Obi-Wan replied, playing along with our sarcasm.

   I smirked, Anakin noticed it and sent me a nod to go on with whatever plan I had for Obi-Wan.


Hmm, what plan would that be? Guess you'll have to wait and find out in the next chapter! Oh I love leaving cliffhangers sometimes.

Aaanyways, I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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