~Chapter 2~

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   The Jedi Cruiser landed with a thud at the landing bay on Coruscant. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin were lining up the kids in two rows and I just so happened to be standing next to a girl that looks almost identical to me. I didn't talk to her or use the Force to find out how old she was or what her name was. I was going to be patient until the official introductions with Master Yoda.

   Anakin and Obi-Wan went off to do something else while Qui-Gon led us to the room where Master Yoda was waiting. Qui-Gon knocked on the door and it was answered by an odd sounding voice.

   "Enter." Yoda said. All the kids went into the room to see Master Yoda - a small green figure with pointy ears - meditating on a stool.

   "To your apprentice you should go, Qui-Gon."

   Qui-Gon nods and leaves the room to find Anakin and maybe talk to Obi-Wan too.

   "Gather around, younglings. First, introduce ourselves, we should. You, start. Clockwise, we shall go." he points at me to start.

   "Hello everyone, I am Melisa Starkiller. I come from the planet Earth which is very far from this galaxy."

   Everyone else introduces themselves one by one in a clockwise rotation. Soon, the turn came to the girl who looks exactly like me.

   "Um, hi. My name is Clarice Quntam. I come from Earth too."

   I thought to myself: she sounds nervous. Master Yoda sensed her nervousness as well and told her to see him after our first lesson.

   "Now that introduced ourselves we have, start learning, we must. Come younglings, in a circle, sit. Make space for me, yes? Hm hm."

   Everyone soon settled and Master Yoda began the class. He started with asking who knew what the Force is and how it flows. A few kids blurted out answers and Clarice and I were the only ones raising our hands and waiting for Master Yoda to call us. Master Yoda hushed the room and picked Clarice to answer. She answered somewhat confidently about the midi-chlorians and how the Force penetrates and binds the galaxy together. Master yoda nodded his head in response.

   "Learn from Clarice and Melisa, we must. Impatience, never the answer it may be. Patience, younglings. Learn patience from them, we can."

   Everyone else nodded in understanding as Master Yoda continues on with the lesson.

   After class ended, we were free to explore the temple for a bit, but only with the accompany of an older Jedi. I asked Master Yoda where I could possibly find Anakin.

   "Use your connection to the Force, young one. Strong, you are, find him you will." He replied.

   I nodded and concentrated on the Force to help me find Anakin. I soon located him and started heading in that direction. When I found him, I asked if I could get a tour of the temple if he was free.

   "Sure, why not. I have some time on my hands." He willingly replied.

   He walked me through pretty much everything in the temple and how to get around. As well as all the short cuts and tiny little details. After the tour, I asked him how old did someone have to be to become a Padawan. He replied that I had to be at least thirteen years old. Then I asked him what if someone learned everything they could in Master Yoda's classes and wanted to become a Padawan.

   His reply was, "The council would make a decision on whether you were ready to train outside the temple and go on missions with your Jedi master, so it would take some time for you to get a Padawan status."

   I nodded in understanding and said, "So if I learn everything I could from Master Yoda, and he and the Council think i'm ready, then I'll have a Padawan status, right?"

   "Yea, you could say that. It's a more complicated process than what you know though. Either you do that, or you train with Master Yoda until you are thirteen and then take the trials and possibly get a Padawan status that way."

   "Hah, i'm a fast learner so I bet I'm able to graduate within a year of being here."

   "Oh yea? You willing to bet on it? Let's say you don't get your Padawan status within a year, then you'll be Obi-Wan's Padawan."

   "Then if I do make it within the year, then I get to be your Padawan. Deal?"

   "Hmm... Deal. I bet you won't make it within the year, no youngling has ever done that before."

   "Haha, you'll be surprised Anakin. Soon I'll be calling you my master. I'll get going to my room now, bye!"

   "Alright, see ya!"

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