~Chapter 22~

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°Melisa's POV°
   I gave in to him, letting him be the voice of reason for my actions. Even though I'm reluctant to follow his orders, I have to. If not, my headache will come back and it'll be worse.

°Anakin's POV°
   I held Melisa in my arms, hoping to calm her down. When her screaming finally stopped, I heard her start sobbing into my chest.

   "Shh, shh, it's okay Melisa. I got you." I cooed. She stopped sobbing and pulled away, looking at me with her tear filled eyes.

   "I, I can hear you now." She said in a soft whisper, then she threw her arms around me.

   I was shocked that her hearing came back so quickly. I looked over to Obi-Wan and mouthed to him that Melisa can hear again. His face held a clear expression of disbelief, "Anakin, are you sure?" I felt Melisa nod against my shoulder and I guess Obi-Wan saw it since he stood there like a statue with wide eyes.

°Melisa's POV°
   The man that tormented me is now a voice in my head, always calling me his 'young apprentice'. My mind tells me not to listen to him but I'm being torn apart. I feel that there is a darkness inside me that wants to be set free. It's like the voice in my head is guiding me down a specific path that I don't want to follow. It's not the Jedi way but he'll torture me mentally until I'm willing to follow his instructions.

~El Time Skip~

°Melisa's POV°
   He has left me alone for a few months, three to be exact. I've been feeling like my normal self since he stopped talking to me, stopped being my voice of reason. Anakin, Obi-Wan and I are all really close friends since we go on every mission together most of the time. And of course, I have my own lightsaber now. I designed it after Anakin's lightsaber since I found that his hilt fitted me pretty well. My blade colour? Well, it's a greenish-yellow.

   Well, since Anakin already has me as his Padawan, Ahsoka, who I learned was supposed to be assigned to Anakin, is now with Obi-Wan. Over the many missions we did together, Ahsoka and I have gotten really close, the same goes with Anakin. Now, he sometimes calls Ahsoka "Snips" as a nickname. (If you've watched clone wars, you'll get what I mean.)

   The four of us would go on missions together with the Clones, I admired Ahsoka, mostly about her skill with the lightsaber. She carries two of them, one is a normal lightsaber and the other is a shorter one, like a shoto-style blade. We would always go in our pairs, Master and Padawan, obviously. Unless we meet an obstacle where Ahsoka and I have to team up to let the two grown men through.

   I loved working with Ahsoka, every time, we would gossip about our Masters and tell each other their training techniques to further improve ourselves. That way, we can technically receive the training of both Masters. With some good ol' fashion teamwork, Ahsoka and I have improved on our weaker skill points, helping each other is what gets us through our missions.

   I don't know why but I always feel that Anakin is hiding something from me. He's been acting a little off ever since that Senator, Padmé Amidala, came back to Coruscant. Something fishy is definitely going on between them, but I can't just plainly ask him about it, like suddenly dropping that question out of the blue? That would be an awkward situation. If he wants to tell me, then he'll tell me. I'm like a sister to him, he would never lie to me, never.

°Anakin's POV°
   I've noticed that Melisa has gotten a lot chattier since Ahsoka came along in our missions. I'm also glad that Padmé is back and safe. I love her, but I can't tell anyone about it, not even Melisa. Yeah I trust her but, I don't know, she abides by the Jedi Code very closely and having affection for another is forbidden. If I tell her, she'll probably tell the Council and I'll be kicked out in no time. No one can know of our relationship, not yet anyway.

   Melisa and I have a mission coming up so I better not be distracted since this concerns the Chancellor's life. Yes, Chancellor Palpatine has been captured by General Grievous. Obi-Wan and his Padawan are also coming to assist in rescuing the Chancellor.

°??? POV°
   I reached out to her, sending her a message through the Force.

   ??? - You will see me soon, child.

   Her - No, why are you back?! I was finally myself again and now you show up! Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why me?

   ??? - Worry not my child, all will be explained in due time. Focus on the mission child, you will need it.

   Her - Wait, how do you know I have a mission coming up? You're definitely not a Jedi, so how do you know this? Who are you?

   ??? - The Force, child. The Force allows me to see far into the future and I see you, on a mission. What mission it is I do not know, that is all the information the Force gives me. As for who I am, the time has not come to reveal myself to you, however, you will know. In due time, you will call me Master and forget the Jedi.

   There was no reply so I assumed that she had cut the connection, possibly shocked at what I told her. Not surprising though, her reaction was expected. No matter, we would meet sooner than she thinks. A smirk formed on my face from the thought of meeting my young apprentice face to face in just mere hours. She won't recognise me but I will recognise her, there's no doubt about that.

   Her Force signature is very unique compared to the other Jedi around her, it will make her stand out in the Force. I'm sure her Master has felt it, if he hasn't, then he is not as powerful as I thought. She knows that she is special, though she is not the Chosen One, she is very connected to the Force and trusts it fully. This, is to my advantage. I smirked and it soon turned into a cackle as my plan took shape inside my mind.


Oh boy, this was one hell of a chapter to write. Anyways, who do you think is the voice talking to the girl? Put your guesses in the comments please, I would love to read them.

Aaanyways, I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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