~Chapter 8~

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°Melisa's POV°
   I was sitting on my bed as the other kids were out somewhere in the Temple. There was only one other person in the room with me, Clarice. I don't know why the Jedi let us share a room with two other girls. I mean, how are they going to tell us apart? We're pretty much identical! I can't even imagine what it would be like if we had to evacuate the Temple. Two identical girls in the same group, then again, I never really understood how the grouping system worked.

   Anyway, tomorrow Anakin is going to face his trials. I would go with him if I could but I can't. Still, he has to pass them to become a Jedi Knight. If only I could be there to give him support but I have class with Master Yoda. So even if I am allowed to see his trials - which is highly unlikely - I still can't as I need to go to Master Yoda's class. Anakin's going to come pick me up tomorrow so, I don't really know if I'm allowed to go with him. If Master Yoda allows me to miss his class and I'm able to tag along, I most likely will go with him. But it all depends on how the Council runs the trials. I have no control of it no matter how much I wish I could go.

°Anakin's POV°
   I was busy preparing for the trip to Alderaan to face my trials. I really want Melisa to come along for this trip as it could be of use to her in the future. She would need to experience of being in battle anyway. The experience could prepare her for the potential missions she and I will be having. Then again, its highly doubtful that the Council will allow that.

   My Master will be with me, that's for sure. Its compulsory for all Masters to accompany their Padawans when they're taking the trials but Masters will only be there to supervise and report to the Council of their Padawan's performance. They're not allowed to help their Padawans unless absolutely necessary.

   We all know my Master will go against the rules and help me as much as he can, but just to make sure that Qui-Gon doesn't break the rules, they're putting Obi-Wan on this mission. Obi-Wan follows the Council no matter what, that's why they put him on this mission with Qui-Gon and I. Qui-Gon is known for disobeying the Council and that's where I get my habit from. Sigh, I hope Melisa doesn't follow me into this habit too.

   The amount of nervousness building up inside me is off the charts. If I fail, I won't become a Jedi Knight and if I don't become a Jedi Knight, Melisa will get assigned to another Jedi Master and I know she wouldn't want that. I don't want to disappoint her or my Master so I must pass my trials. I have to, if not for myself, for Melisa and my Master.

   I stop packing to meditate and I felt a peace of mind when I knew that Melisa was well and out of danger. For whatever reason, it gave me the determination to succeed in whatever I do. She gave me a sense of perseverance and it felt like all my worries and stress went away whenever I'm around her. I don't know what it means or why I feel this way. I just know that she and I are inseparable. Perhaps we were meant to help each other. Who knows? Maybe in time she'll become a Jedi Knight too.

   While I was lost in my thoughts, someone was at my door and was waiting impatiently. I stopped meditating and hurried to the door to receive whoever was there. Obi-Wan stood in front of me, arms crossed with an annoyed look on his face. I invited him in and he came in and took a seat. He stared at me for what felt like forever and it felt like he was staring into my soul. Finally, he started talking.

   "What are your plans?" Obi-Wan started.

   I was quite confused and gave him that look too.

   "Let me clarify. Do you think you'll pass the trials Anakin? If you do, then what are your plans afterwards? Do plan on requesting a Padawan to train with regards to Master Yoda? Or do you plan to wait for a bit before talking on an apprentice? Answer me."

   "Well, I'm honestly not sure. I do plan on asking Master Yoda to allow me to train Melisa right after we get back from Alderaan if I pass my trials. There really isn't much I can say right now Obi-Wan. Melisa will get her crystal, I just know it. She's very capable and a fast learner too. Now I just have to pass my trials so I can train her. It takes a gifted Master to teach a gifted Padawan, doesn't it? It'll work better that way."

   "Perhaps you're right Anakin. You'll have to pass the trials if you're going to take on that girl. She's strong with the Force and so are you. You two will make a great team."

   "Thanks. Oh, by the way, I have a question."

   "Go on, i'm listening."

   "Clarice told me that you told all the younglings in her batch that Melisa called me her big brother. You're not the kind of person that will just say that out in the open. Did you do it on purpose? Or did you let it slip when telling the younglings something?"

   "Oh, that. Um, how should I put this. Okay, well I was talking to Qui-Gon in the corridor of the room that had younglings from Melisa's batch. Of course when talking to Qui-Gon, I was discussing with him what happened and the younglings in those rooms managed to hear what we said. That's why they know about it. It wasn't intentional and I didn't know there were younglings in those rooms since Master Yoda was having his classes at the time. Why did you ask me this? Did Clarice tell you that I told her face to face? Because I didn't."

   "Yes, that's why I asked you. She hinted that it was face to face as she said you 'looked' like you were telling on purpose. If you didn't tell her face to face, she wouldn't know if it was on purpose or not. Of course, I trust you more than I trust a new youngling so I'll take your word for it."

   "Hmm, I wonder why she said that. She couldn't have peeked out of her room, or did she? Anyways, we'd better get some rest to prepare for the long flight tomorrow. No use pondering on this situation, its best to keep your head clear on this mission, Anakin."

   "Yes Obi-Wan, I'll get some rest and stop thinking about what Clarice said. I'll clear my head too, don't worry. I won't fail this time."

   "And you'd better. If you fail this time, you won't get another chance and you'll be kicked out of the Order. That being said, may the Force be with you. I won't be able to help you and I'll make sure that Qui-Gon doesn't disobey the Order again. I'm not letting that happen."

   "Thanks Obi-Wan. Please, try to keep my Master as far away from me as possible, I don't want to fail again because of him. He needs to obey the Order so I can pass, why doesn't he see that?"

   "I don't know either, but I'll convince him that you can do it. No need to worry, I've got your back on this one."

   "Thanks, I don't know what I'll do without you."

   Obi-Wan turns to leave and closes the door behind him. I sat down to meditate to clear my mind so I could focus tomorrow since it's a very big day and it will determine if I stay in the Order or not. I can't fail again, I must pass.

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