~Chapter 18~

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°Anakin's POV°
   I was guarding the door and watching Melisa at the same time. When she suddenly collapsed onto Obi-Wan, I quickly rushed over to feel her pulse. When I found it, I picked her up bridal style. Just then, Obi-Wan was starting to sit up, so I waited for him to get himself together and we both rushed Melisa to the Medical Centre. The only thing that was off to me was that Obi-Wan wasn't surprised that she had fainted, instead his face had a worried look plastered on it. Maybe she told him something that she didn't tell me.

   I fought to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. I couldn't cry, I had to be strong. Obi-Wan noticed and sent a reassuring energy to me through the Force. I never understood how he does that. I calmed down when we finally reached the Medical Centre. I set her down gently on one of the beds and let a medical droid see to her.

   I sat down in a corner and buried my face in my hands, trying to contain my tears from escaping. Obi-Wan came over and I felt a hand on my back, I guess he was trying to calm me down. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes that could fall at any moment and he gave me a comforting smile. Soon, the medical droid that tended to Melisa came over to us.

   "She is doing fine. She passed out from exhaustion. Give her some rest and she'll be up in no time." It said in its robotic voice.

   "Okay. But, do you know the cause of the exhaustion?" I asked.

   "I'm afraid not. For reasons I cannot explain, she's has used a lot of energy."

   "I see." I looked back at Obi-Wan. "Do you know why?" I gave him a questioning look. Now I was beginning to suspect that she told Obi-Wan something that I didn't know about the process during their 'conversation'.

   "Well, uh." He started, rubbing the back of his neck. "Melisa said I couldn't tell you until she finished the process."

   I lifted an eyebrow, still not trusting what he says.

   He sighed. "You're not going to believe what I say are you? Well its okay if you don't believe me now. You can just ask her yourself when she wakes up." He gestures to her when he says the last sentence.

   I sighed and walked over to Melisa's bed. I pulled out a nearby chair and sat there, waiting for Melisa to wake up.

~6 hours later~

   Obi-Wan had left the room, leaving me alone with Melisa. After a few more minutes passed, I saw her hand twitch. I quickly held her hand in mine, hoping that she would wake up. Her eyes started to flutter, slowly, she started opening them. I quickly turned on my com-link on my wrist to call Obi-Wan.

°Obi-Wan's POV°
   I was in the middle of a meeting with the high members of the Council when my com-link went off.

   "Excuse me Masters." I stood up and bowed before I exit the room.

   Once I was outside, I picked up the call. Immediately, I hear Anakin's voice.

   "Obi-Wan, are you there?"

   "Yes. I was in the middle of a meeting you know. What's so important that you have to call me now?"

   "Melisa just woke up Obi-Wan! Don't you want to talk to her?"

   "I see. I'll go over when the meeting is over." I replied before I cut the connection and return into the Council room.

   "What was that about?" Master Windu questioned. I knew he was going to ask about it.

   "Nothing, Master. It's just that Melisa fainted earlier and she just woke up." I replied.

   "She fainted? Due to what reason and when?" Master Windu continued to question me.

   "She fainted about six hours ago, I think you could guess the reason Master Windu. It's quite obvious." I reply, not wanting to say that she had healed me.

   "She was the one that healed you? I can hardly believe that an eight year old child possesses such an ability."

   "Heal him, she did. The truth, Master Kenobi speaks." Master Yoda joins into the conversation, "very strong in the Force, she is. A strong connection, she has. Felt it myself, I did. Thus, a strong bond with young Skywalker, she has." He was defending me in a way.

   Soon, we were proceeding with the meeting once again.

°Anakin's POV°
   I held Melisa's hand as tears of joy flow down my face. I picked her up and hugged her but she didn't hug me back. I was confused. She would always hug me when I hugged her.

   "Um, excuse me but, who are you?" She asked as I was hugging her, "and why am I in the Medical Bay?"

   My eyes widened in shock and my grip on her loosens. I pull back from her, giving her some space while absorbing what just hit me. She doesn't remember me but she remembers this place. I open my mouth to say something but just then, the door opens and Obi-Wan steps in.

   "Hi Obi-Wan, do you know who this man is? When I woke up, he just started hugging me and I don't know why. Also, why am I here?" So, she remembers Obi-Wan but not me.

   I look over to him, he's frozen in his tracks, eyes wide. Then, he gathers himself and manage to stutter a few words out.

   "Well, um Melisa. This is Anakin Skywalker, also known as The Chosen One. The reason you're here is that-" she cuts him off.

   "I passed out from healing you. Yea, now I remember. His name sounds familiar but I still don't remember meeting him." She states.

   Obi-Wan looks over to me, then back at Melisa, then back at me again. He nods, signalling me to follow him.

   "We'll be right back Melisa, don't go anywhere." Obi-Wan says.

   "Okay. No problem."

   We walk out of the Medical Bay into the hallway.

   "We need a plan. She has to get her memory back." Obi-Wan tells me and I nod in agreement.


Hmm, is it only Anakin she forgets? Or did she forget everyone except Obi-Wan? Find out in the next chapter!

I'll see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

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