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°Obi-Wan's POV°
After I had cut down my former apprentice, I went back to retrieve Padmé and bring her to the secret location where Master Yoda told me to meet him. However, I could not find her anywhere. She was not at the location where Anakin had choked her so I thought that she had got up and returned to her ship, but she was not there either. I did notice, however, that there was a ship missing on the landing platform. I knew there were two other Starfighters here on the landing platform before I went to rescue Padmé. It soon registered in my brain that Melisa had left with Padmé. All the pieces fit, Padmé no longer being on the planet, and a missing Starfighter. I still have to make haste, Master Yoda is waiting for me.

I soon arrived at the coordinates that Master Yoda had provided me with. I was using Padmé's ship since I had went to Mustafar in her ship anyway. Bail Organa, the Senator of Alderaan, showed me to Master Yoda.

"Succeed in rescuing Senator Amidala, did you?"

"Master, I regret to inform you that... Senator Amidala is not with me. I couldn't find her after my duel with Anakin."

"Hmm... sad this is. Skywalker's family, dead, they might be."

"I don't think so, Master. I am quite sure that Melisa has Senator Amidala and her child with her. However, I am afraid that I cannot locate her Force-signature at all."

°3rd Person POV°
Upon hearing that Melisa could not be found through her Force-signature, Master Yoda went into a deep meditation to try and find her. His efforts were futile and so, he told Obi-Wan to go into exile on Tatooine so as to not be found by The Empire or the Sith.

°Krataa's POV°
We were now in the Emperor's new office. My Master had summoned me here to discuss the fate of Lord Vader's children.

"Master, what do we do about the children?"

"We will train them to be Inquisitors. They will begin their training when they reach the age of ten. Until then, make sure that they are out of Lord Vader's sight."

"Yes, my Master. I will make the necessary preparations for them aboard my Star Destroyer. I doubt Lord Vader would come aboard my ship."

"No, you need to establish a base somewhere. A place that is hospitable for the children to let them have a few good years of childhood. I suggest a base on Alderaan, I will need you to keep an eye on Senator Organa as he was very loyal to the traitorous Jedi."

"Yes, my Master. I will do as you wish and establish a base on Alderaan to keep Senator Organa in check and to let the children enjoy a few years of childhood."

"Good. Once they reach the age of ten, I need you to begin training them. Teach them the basics of the Force and in lightsaber combat. After a year, move on to teach them how to develop a strategy on the spot. They need to have quick thinking in bad situations. Once they reach the required age of eighteen, and have the sufficient skills to be an Inquisitor, send them to Lord Vader to complete their training."

"Yes, my Master. I will train them well and make sure that they are well nourished. They will not fail you."

"Only time will tell, Lord Krataa."

~~a few hours later~~

Note: anything in italics in Sith POVs are more hateful thoughts.

°Sidious' POV°
I feel something in the Force. Amidst all the darkness that surrounds it now, there is a speck of light. There can only be one meaning to this, a Jedi.

Just as I completed my thought, the door to my office opened, revealing a small green creature-Master Yoda. He jumped onto my desk but I didn't move a muscle. I was completely unfazed by his actions. He then grabbed my attention by bringing his lightsaber to his hand. That action made me jump from my position behind the desk to the middle of the room, taking my own lightsaber in hand as I jumped.

°3rd Person POV°
A huge battle ensued with the two sides clashing with no hesitation. The two most powerful users of the Force from their respective sides clashed sabers relentlessly, each side seeming to not struggle in the slightest. Both sabers moved at the speed of light, forcing both Jedi and Sith to remain focused on their target. If one was to be distracted, the other would take the advantage to deliver the killing blow.

At this point, both Force users were trickling with perspiration from the fast and strong attacks that they were each tossing to their opponent. The two were in a heated battle for what seemed like a few minutes before the Jedi started to show weakness. The Sith took advantage of this and started throwing stronger attacks at the now weakened Jedi. However, the Sith got too cocky and began letting his guard down and that's when the Jedi took the advantage to fight back and overpower to Sith Lord to the ground.

The Sith now had no weapon in his hand, for it was knocked away from him when the Jedi overpowered him. The merciless Sith was now begging for mercy, pretending to act weak so the Jedi would spare his life. The Jedi, however, was not buying his act and raised his lightsaber for the killing blow.


Aaaand, scene! Yep, I left you guys on a cliffhanger. I'm sorry, but I had to, okay? Please forgive me! *Continually begs for mercy from readers*

Anyway, that's the end to "An Earthling's Journey". I hope to see you guys in the next book I'm writing which I will talk more about in an Author's Note I'm going to post after this.

Thank you all so much for reading all the way through, it means a lot since it's my first book. I know there might be a few mistakes here and there so I will be editing this book sometime in the near future. So that does it for this book, buh-bye!

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