~Chapter 30~

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°Krataa's POV°
   I arrived at the rendezvous coordinates and gave my clearance code to the officer that contacted me aboard one of the Jedi Cruisers. I was permitted to board the ship and was ordered to bring the Senator to the medical bay immediately.

   While being escorted by some Clones, I felt that there was something wrong in the Force, like someone was in trouble.

°Vader's POV°
   "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!"

   "You underestimate my power!"

   "Don't try it."

   I leapt from my platform but it was not high enough. My legs and my one remaining good arm were sliced by the Jedi.

   "You were The Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"

   "I HATE YOU!!!"

"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you."

   I saw him pick up my old lightsaber and he left me to burn on the lava bed. I counted on my own anger to live through this but the pain eventually got too much and I felt myself giving up.

°Krataa's POV°
   My Master and I were waiting in the room beside the Senator's where she lies unconscious on the bed.

   "Lady Krataa, do you feel that?"

   "Yes, Master. Lord Vader is in trouble. Do we still need him?"

   "Of course we do, Lady Krataa. Our plan will not be successful without him."

   "Yes, Master. I will go to his aid."

   "No, I will go to him. You stay here and make sure the children are born safely and make sure that the Jedi do not discover them."

   "Yes, my Master. He is in pain, you best hurry if you are to save him."

   "Hm, hm, hm. You are quick to catch on, Lady Krataa," he turned to his personal squad of Clones and said, "prepare my ship. I will leave for Mustafar immediately."

   "Yes, my Lord."

   The Clones left and I bowed to my Master and wished him a safe journey. He replied saying that there was no need for me to worry about him, but to put my focus on my task. He then left for his ship to bring Lord Vader back.

   "Excuse me, my Lady, we have to work fast if we are to save the babies."

   "Yes, I know. I can feel her life force draining. Let me in, droid. The Emperor ordered me to assure that they are safe."

   "Of course, my Lady."

   The medical droid informed the Senator that I was going to help her deliver and she just nodded her head. She looked too weak to speak when I entered the room. I had taken off the hood of my black robe so that she was able to see my face. She was surprised when she saw me but I told her that she needed her energy to push.

   "Droid, get over here. It's your job to deliver the babies. I'm just here to ensure that the babies are safe."

°Sidious' POV°
   When I found Lord Vader, he was burnt to a crisp. I tell my Clones to bring a stretcher and I went down to help my apprentice to higher ground to prevent the heat from burning the rest of his living skin.

~~time skip brought to you by the Force~~

°Krataa's POV°
   The Senator has named the older boy, Luke, and the girl, Leia. After she had named them and told me to look after them for her, she passed on.

°Vader's POV°
   I was conscious and in great pain during the installation of my cybernetics. I knew that it was my punishment for not managing to kill the Jedi on Mustafar. I deserved it. I made a foolish mistake that should not have happened if I was not overconfident in my skills.

   During the operation, I could feel that Padmé was alive, but after I was put into my suit, I could not feel her presence anymore. She was gone, but I did not want to believe that she was dead, not until I have confirmation from my Master.

   "Lord Vader, can you hear me?"

   "Yes, my Master. Where is Padmé? Is she safe? Is she well?" Somehow I had the courage to ask him about her, but I knew I was going to get another punishment for this.

   "It seems that in your anger, you killed her."

   I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't have killed her!

   "No... She was alive! I felt her!" In a fit of rage, I burst out of my restraints that kept me from moving during the operation. I took a few steps forward, still a little wobbly from the operation. I couldn't help but blame myself for her death, even though I knew I didn't kill her.


   "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I cried.


   I blamed myself for her death and so, I felt sorrow and regret that I could not save her. My vision told me that she would die in childbirth and in order to prevent that, I begged Lord Sidious to save her, but she still met her end no matter which path I took to prevent it. I don't even know if she delivered our child before she passed.

   "Come, Lord Vader. Don't you want to see your spouse before she is cremated?"

   "You, you have her body?!"

   "Yes, Lord Krataa retrieved her during your duel with the Jedi."

   "I need to see her! Please, bring me to her, Master."

   "Of course I will. I just need to let Lady Krataa know that you are coming as well."

°Krataa's POV°
   "Lady Krataa, Lord Vader is coming to see the Senator, you know what to do."

   "Yes, my Master. I will ensure their safety."

   "Excellent, Lady Krataa. We will discuss this further once we are alone."

   "Yes, my Master."

   I turn off my com-link and turned to the medical droid that was still holding one of the children.

   "Droid, I need you to take the children and hide with them. Make sure that they do not make a sound."

   "Yes, my Lady. Where would you like me to hide?"

   "Hide somewhere in this room, and hurry. Lord Vader and the Emperor are arriving soon."

   The droid immediately started looking for a hiding space when I mentioned that my Master and Lord Vader were coming. The droid soon found a decent hiding space which was in the room containing the Senator. Now I need to think of a reason to convince Lord Vader to not go in there.

°Sidious' POV°
   The duel with the Grand Master was right after Lord Vader had contacted me when he slaughtered the entire Temple and let me just say that the results of it were not what I was hoping for. That old creature managed to get away and I know that it will be hard to find him in the future. Couple that with Lord Vader's failure to kill Obi-Wan and there will be major problems in the near future.

   Once Lady Krataa gets the sufficient training that she needs to take on the remaining Jedi who are on the run, I will send her to seek them out and kill them on the spot. Strategically speaking, she would be a much more reliable choice to hunt for the Jedi as Lord Vader needs to recover from his injuries and regain his strength, but once he does, I will send him to hunt for the Jedi instead and bring Krataa back to further her training.

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