~Chapter 3~

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°Anakin's POV°
   I bid farewell to the youngling and went off to find Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon was talking to Obi-Wan, as expected and I asked him when our next mission is coming up. "Anakin, there will be no missions for the time being. For now, we have to brush up on your lightsaber skills." Qui-Gon said in reply to my question.

   "Pfft, really master? You've got to be kidding me, I mean c'mon, are my skills really that rusty? Anyways, when will our next mission be? Just for curiosity's sake."

   "Well, we won't have one. At least, I won't be going with you on your next mission. I think you are ready to face the trials to become a Jedi Knight."

   "Really? You think I'm ready for the trials? Well, I have trained for a long time. I'm flattered that you think I'm ready."

   "Of course you are Anakin, you are only the finest Padawan I've seen in years. There has never been one so gifted in the Force, especially at the young age of sixteen. You, are the first, and possibly the only one, to be born with an extremely high midi-chlorian count."

   "No master, there is another. The new younglings that we brought in. One of them is strong with the Force, maybe stronger than me. I have interacted with her. I, I fear that she might, turn."

   "Anakin, fear is the path to the Dark Side. She's still young, we won't know if she'll be more gifted than you until she's older. Although you might be right, I don't think she will turn."

   "No master, you don't understand. I, I had a vision about her before we went to pick her up. She turns at the age of ten, becomes a Padawan by the end of the year. Master, you don't know what I've seen, I fear for our safety and I don't think training her is safe. She'll destroy us all, Master. Please, believe me. I know what she becomes, she has to be stopped!"

   "Whoa now, calm down Anakin. Its only a vision. I think you need to talk to Master Yoda about this. If you're right, this puts us all in danger. And, keep fear, anger and hate out of your mind, stay calm. By the way, were you talking about Melisa?"

   "Yes Master. Melisa was the youngling I was talking about. And, I'll try to stay calm."

   "Do, or do not, there is no try Anakin."

   "Yes master. I'll go speak to Master Yoda now."

   Qui-Gon nods and continues his talk with Obi-Wan as I went to find Master Yoda.

   I found Master Yoda in his room. He told me to come in.

   "Much fear, I sense in you, young Skywalker."

   "Master, I had a vision of what the Jedi Temple will become. Its... about the new youngling, Melisa."

   "Hmm, yes... strong with the Force, she is. Patience, she has. What you fear Skywalker, possible, it might not be."

   I nod and think about Master Yoda's words. It really doesn't seem possible after all. I forget all about the vision I had and got up to thank Master Yoda. I walked out of the room and went off to find Melisa.

°Melisa's POV°
   I sit on my bunk, meditating. The other kids were not as serious as me, since they were playing around in the room. The other kids went quiet and I realised that Anakin had walked in.

   "What is it Master Skywalker? Is there anything you need?"

   "We should talk." he replied.

   "Oh? What about?"

   "Just, follow me."


   I hop down from my top bunk and follow him out. Behind me, the other three kids were whispering on why Anakin asked to see me and not them.

   Anakin led me to his room and shut the door. He took out his lightsaber and showed it to me.

   "You'll learn to make your own one day, but for now, you can use mine. Or if you want, you can ask Master Yoda for a training saber. But I doubt he'll be nice about that, since you haven't paid a visit to a Jedi Temple to find your lightsaber crystal."

   "I think I'll just use yours for the time being, until I get my crystal of course."

   "Alright, but you have to keep it a secret between us and us only, okay? Because I don't want Master Yoda, Obi-Wan or my Master to find out about this."

   "Hmm, okay. But, what are we doing that needs to be kept secret?"

   "I'm going to train you in lightsaber fighting techniques but you're not old enough for this kind of training yet, so you have to keep it a secret. You understand?" Anakin whispers, afraid that someone might overhear our conversation.

   I gasped, "really?! Oh my lord I can't believe this." I whisper-shouted.

   "Shush, quiet. I don't want anyone to hear this. Follow me, we'll go somewhere more private."

   "Oh right, I forgot. Sorry. I'm just, really excited to start lightsaber training."

   "Well, calm down. Even if I didn't teach you, you would start with Master Yoda anyway, so it's not like it'll be a long time before you start lightsaber training."

   Anakin led me to his ship and along the way, he told the Jedi and troopers that passed by that he was just taking me on a ride to explore Coruscant. Of course, they believed him and we were sent on our way. We made it to the hangar and got into Anakin's ship. We buckled up, and was soon flying away from the Jedi Temple. Anakin made a few rounds around Coruscant before flying into space to avoid any suspicion that may arise from the Jedi or the Clone Troopers. Then, when he thought the coast was clear, he blasted off into space.

   Once we were clear, Anakin inserted some coordinates and initiated the hyperspace jump. The black space transformed into a blue, cloud-like tunnel and of course, I was fascinated with what Star Wars could do. I was envious of their technology, weapons and materials but most of all, I was envious that they could fly at lightspeed.

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