twin lists -- Athena

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A/N: What if each twin could say something about himself/herself....

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I love the beach! If I could live there, I would! But that would probably kill dad if he doesn't kill me first

Yep! I     broke my leg one time I went surfing with my friends. Dad was also out of     town for a shoot so he was really mad when he came home and saw me all  bandaged and pretty banged up. But man! The waves that day were pretty awesome!

Zig is     my bestbud. Yeah, we fight and bicker a lot but he's also my confidante and adviser. Sometimes, he can be like Dad though, over protective!

My mom  makes the best carbonara! Like Mom, I'm a picky eater but when Mom cooks,     damn!

My nickname at home is Cessy but only Dad can call me that. Mom calls me Eens     while Zig and I call each other Bub or Bubba.

I like wearing shorts and dresses. Dad's eyes often pop out when I'm in shorts.  He looks dorky!

I loved  sleeping between Mom & Dad as a kid. Zig & I would push each other  because I always wanted to be beside Dad. He gives the best hugs!

Mom's  laugh is hilarious and contagious!    She sounds like she's having an asthma attack!

Mom has  the best fashion sense. I sometimes borrow clothes from her!

I love  surfing but I really don't like whales. Like Dad, they scare me.

They say lefties are artistic. I took after my Dad.  Dad acts, Mom too.  I dance and sing.  Zig plays the guitar, drums and piano.

I  haven't ridden on the train. Mom and Dad won't allow me.  Zig hates it when he has to drive for me. Hahaha!

I like to bake. Mom always asks me to bake something when we go visit DaddyLo or     Mama and Papa. Ninang Coleen says I make the best cookies. Ninang Niki wants to sell them at the Christmas bazaar and Kuya Matti always asks me to bake mint choco-chip cookies for him.

Mom can make Dad laugh like crazy.  But they always end up cuddling. Eeeewww!

Dad is super playful. I believe Mom when she says she has 3 kids!  Dad likes to chase us and we have tickle     fests a lot.

Zig is the neatest guy I know. He's even neater than me!

Zig taught me a lot of stuff.  We played  together a lot as kids so I know how to fly a kite, climb a tree and catch  frogs.  Although worms are pretty gross, I think.

I want  to work as a flight attendant.  We've travelled a lot and I always stare at the flight crew when we're in the plane.

My brother is a dork.  He walks around the house in just his briefs and a shirt.  Yaya Anna or Yaya Cherry used to run after him to put pants on him.

Dad is super kuripot and Mom has a weird way of "making tawad" at the tiangges.

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