french fries

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A/N: sorry for the late update....I've been struggling with topics to write about.

I'd really appreciate it if you could throw some prompts or ideas my way :) (though the stories may appear in my other works here...). Just drop me a line or two in the comments box. Thanks!


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Little Iggy (Siegfried) came tearfully running towards Rj one late afternoon. Rj crouched down, picked him up and walked into the house.

"Hey buddy! What's wrong?"

Iggy didn't answer. He just buried his face into his dad's neck and sobbed.

"Hi Daddy!" Little Eena (Athena) came from the kitchen eating some French fries; she gives Rj an oily kiss on the cheek when he bends down.

"Hi Babe!" Maine says and gives Rj a kiss on the lips. "Iggy-boy...enough na....stop crying na..." Maine says as she rubs the little boy's back.

Iggy turns and looks at his family and sets his sight on his twin.  He bawls louder.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Rj asks again but Iggy just continues to wail.

" finished yours na e...." Little Eena says matter-of-factly.

"....Cessy...." Rj reprimands Eena.

"Why? He finished his fenchfays na....he ubos it all...."

"O, you finished yours na pala e....why are you still crying?"


"....Cessy....share with your brother....."

"But Daddy, he ubos na nga his fays.....why share?"

"Because sharing is good, should always share....sige na....give some to Iggy boy....." Maine says as Rj puts Iggy down.

The two kids walk away as Eena gives some of her fries to Iggy.

Just then, Eena starts bawling. Rj and Maine rush to her.

"O, what happened?!" Maine asks as she picks up Eena.

"Iggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" Eena wails

Iggy is now holding the whole container of fries and runs off to the garden, away from everyone.

mainspringTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon