family time

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It was late in the afternoon of Sunday, the Faulkersons were resting from a full week of work and school. Rj sat on his favorite armchair watching sports on TV in the den; Maine was busy in the kitchen, supervising the household staff preparing dinner as well as preparing her kids' lunchboxes for the next day. She rarely had time to do this due to her work schedule so she enjoyed every moment she had to do this. Eena and Iggy were in the living room completing their homework, talking about school and things that they both liked -- video games. Rj would sometimes join in their conversations sometimes as he enjoyed playing games himself, sometimes getting tips and updates from his kids. Charm and RT were happily playing out in the garden.

Rj savored these moments of "family" time. His busy work schedule made it quite hard for him to watch his kids grow. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was very fond of Eena and she was his favorite. She reminded him a lot of Maine, her fearlessness, spunkiness and zest for life. Unlike Maine though, Eena was very outgoing. She had a lot of friends and was not shy or too reserved. She was adventurous and funny.

Iggy was quiet and a bit reserved. If he had his way, he'd rather be sitting in one corner playing video games or reading a book. He didn't complain much though when asked to do things; he'd just go back to his game or book after he did his chores. He was responsible that way. He was smart and very helpful. He was a gentleman like his dad.

RT was the patient one. He struggled with his speech but was determined to get better at it, attending his therapy sessions without much struggle or hesitation. He liked building things as evidenced by his construction toys and creations with recycled materials which lined their lanai. He was always building something that his family knew that he would probably end up as an architect or engineer in the future.

Precocious Charm was the youngest and apple of everyone's eye. She was bubbly and lived by her nickname as she was quite charming and people were always drawn to her. Her grandparents would often "borrow" her. She was talkative, funny and protective of RT. They would play together and she would look out for him, wiping his sweat or sipon, like an "Ate".

Rj turned off the TV and closed his eyes. He listened to his family's activities and thanked God for the blessings of having them in his life. He loved them dearly and they loved him in return, each in their own way. His heart was full.

Just as he felt sleep clouding his thoughts, Charm climbed on his lap and settled herself on the crook of his arm, her sweat mixing with her baby scent.

"Hi Baby!"

"Daddy?....Can I sit here?"

"Of course!...wait, where's RT?"

"He went to the bathroom..."




"You have shooting?"

"None....taping....with Mommy.....for..."



"Can I go to the set?"

"Uhmm....when you don't have school.....let's ask Direk....."

"Okay...." Charm leaned back in and turned so that her face was on Rj's chest; she patted his chest. "I love you, Daddy...."

"Daddy lang?" Maine had come in the den to call her family for dinner.

"Mommy!" Charm jumped off from Rj's lap and run to hug Maine. "I love you, Mommy!"

"How about me?" Eena happened to walk in the den to use the bathroom. "I love you, Ate!....and Kuya also!" Charm gave Eena and Iggy a hug each. She then ran out and hugged RT who was coming down the stairs.

RT was shocked by Charm's actions but hugged her back anyway. "I love you, RT!" Charm said. RT smiled, "Love you!"

This was one value that Maine and Rj taught their kids. They showed their affection to the people they loved and respected no matter what age or gender. It wasn't weird or uncommon for RT to buss Iggy on the cheek. The kids also gave respect to their elders by touching their foreheads to the elders' hand before giving them a kiss-hug.

The family sat down for dinner. Despite their busy schedules, Maine and Rj had trained their children well to behave properly. They held hands to say grace, it was Charm's turn.

"Papa God....thank you for the food we're about to eat and for the Yayas who prepared it and for the farmers who planted them. Bless them always. Amen."

"Amen!" the others collectively replied.

They ate dinner and shared stories about the week to come. Eena and Iggy talked about a school program they were going to join and asked Maine and Rj if they could attend and watch. Maine made a mental note of it. RT talked about his latest construction project which he was going to show the family after dinner. Charm sang a song she learned at school. Their noise and chatter was very common in the Faulkerson home on weekends.

mainspringTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon