fourty two.

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the next day when I woke up, I was on the couch and jacks hands were still around me. I turned toward him and cuddled up to his chest. he pulled me in closer and held on to me tighter. "hey. let's go to the bed. this couch is uncomfortable." I said while messing up his hair even more. he groaned and let go of me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got up. he got up after me and followed me to the room. I flopped on the bed and curled up under the blankets. jack joined me after 5 minutes. he came in, shut the door and turned on the air. when he finally got in bed, I scooted beside him and sat there in him arms for a while.

I couldn't fall asleep. I looked at my phone and it was 3 in the afternoon. "what time is that thing tonight?" I asked him. "like 6." he said. "shit I have to get up and get ready. it's in 3 hours. get my clothes you want me to wear ready." I said groaning while getting out of bed. I got my bra and underwear cause jack was picking out what I was wearing. he nodded and got up. I went in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I waited for it to get warm and I got undressed and got in.

when I got in it was 3:05. when I got out it was 3:45. it was a short shower for me. I put on my bra and underwear then I wrapped a towel around me and walked out of the bathroom. "what am I wearing?" I asked him curious. "this!" he said smiling while holding a black dress that looks a little tight. I thought about it for a second and grabbed it from his hands. I walked back to the bathroom and took my towel off. I dried myself a little more an put the dress on. it was a little tight but it didn't look bad at all. "bring me my black heels, my makeup, my hairspray, and my wand! please!" I screamed from inside the bathroom.
after a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door. I unlocked it & peeked my head out. I grabbed my makeup bag first, then my heels, and my wand and hairspray at the same time. he looked at me like I was an idiot because my head and arm was the only thing he seen. "can I see what the dress looks like?" he asked smiling. "no. not till I'm done." I said smiling and closing the door. the first thing I done when I closed the door was plug the wand in. when I did, I stared brushing my hair. my hair was almost dry so I didn't plug the hair dryer in. I layered my hair to curl it. I only wanted to curl the ends if my hair but I didn't know if I should. so I decided to text jack.

Me: so should I curl the ends of my hair? or the whole strip of hair?

J: the ends. cause I know you get made when you curl your whole hair. 😂☺️

Me: okay! I'll be out in like an hour. 😊

J: oh god. I'll just go to sleep.

after that I didn't answer him and i did the rest of my hair. my first layer took around 10 minutes so it would be 20 minutes before I'm done with my hair...
after 20 minutes it was 4:25 when I was done. I hair sprayed my hair and started on my makeup. I did it darker than normal because jack wanted me to so I did. by the time my makeup was over it was 4:50. yes. it takes me 25 minutes to do my makeup. I wanted it to look good. finally I put my half socks on and my heels. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. I didn't look bad at all. the dress was one that zipped up so it was a few minutes before I got it on.
I walked out of the bathroom and went over to jack. "jackkkkk." I said holding out the 'k'. "whatttttt." he said copying me. "I'm done. if you want to see me. plus you need to get in the shower." I said smiling. he groaned and rolled over. as soon as he saw me, his eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face. "do I have to get in the shower?" he asked winking. "yes. you do. now get up and get in the shower." I said pulling him up. i kissed him before he got his clothes for a shower. finally we pulled apart and he went into the bathroom with his clothes. I walked out of the room and walked into gilinskys room. "hey, can I use your body mirror for a second?" I asked him and Maddison. "yeah sure and why are you dressed up?" he asked looking me up and down. "I don't know jacks taking me somewhere fancy. and he picked this outfit out." I said while walking over to the mirror. "I really like your dress." Maddison said while walking up to me. "thanks and wanna get in a few pictures with me?" I asked her smiling. "yeah sure." she said all happy. we took a few mirror pictures and then we had Gilinsky take one of us together. "thanks guys! I have to see if jacks done yet. byee!" I said while leaving the room. they said bye and I walked into my room.
jack had a towel around his waist and he was trying to fix his hair. "here. let me help you with that." I said laughing. I walked up to him and I started fixing his hair. I could feel him staring at me. "what're you staring at?" I asked while smiling. "something amazing." he said pulling me closer. "you have to get your shoes on. we have to go. it's 5:45." I said while looking at my phone. he nodded. I kissed him on the cheek and we walked out if the bathroom. he got his shoes on really fast and I put on deodorant an perfume on. he put on his cologne. finally we walked out of the room. Olivia took pictures of us because she waned to I guess. then we walked out of the house. jack was in the phone with someone and got a little frustrated. when he got off the phone, I took his hand and interlocked our fingers. "what's wrong?" I asked frowning at him. "we don't have anything to do till 6:30 now. it's 6:15 right now." he said looking at me. "hey. it's alright. we'll be okay." I said smiling. "you know. when we get home, I'm taking this dress off. it's really pretty but it's really hot also." I said laughing trying to change the subject. "when you take it off, is that all you're taking off?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "gosh. horny much?" I asked while butting my lip a little. "not much." he said taking our hands apart and putting his hand on my thigh. "you have no idea how bad I wanted to date you before. I always told Taylor about it. and i still tell him about you. while you were waiting on me, I was texting him telling him how hot you are." he said looking at me grinning. "you're really happy I'm with you aren't you?" I asked. "yeah. you have no fucking idea." he said while pulling into a parking lot at a really fancy restaurant. "jack you really didn't ha-" I started to say before he cut me off. "yes I did. you deserve this. I'm serious. don't worry about anything. just enjoy our night together." he said while getting out of the car. I got out and walked up to him. I grabbed his hand and followed him inside.
when we got inside this lady looked at jack and me and smiled. "names?" she asked. "reservation for two. Jack Johnson." he said smiling. "oh yes. mr. Johnson. please follow me." she said. we followed her and she brought us to this booth. we sat in front of each other and we looked over the menu. I already figured out what I wanted. I wanted a stake medium rare, a water, and some Mac n cheese. "okay what would you guys like?" the water asked us. "oh I would like the special for the day and destiny would like..." he said looking at me. "I would like a stake medium rare, a water and Mac and cheese please." I said smiling. "okay. you're food will be here soon." he said smiling. I looked at jack and he looked surprised. "uh wow. I though you were going to get a salad. most girls do." he said. "I'm not most girls am I?" I asked him smiling.
"so, you look amazing tonight. that dress was a good choice. and so was that makeup." he said bitting his lip. "jack were in public. don't do that nonsense till we get home." I said kinda whispering. "what. can I not compliment my amazing girlfriend for looking hot as fuck?" he asked frowning. "you can but I don't want people looking at us." I told him frowning back at him. "if they stair, let's give them something to stair at." he said. I nodded and rolled my eyes a little. "also, you look hot tonight as well." I said smiling at him. "awe. well thank you." he said blushing. "awe! you look so cute when you're blushing!" I said smiling. "I can make you blush in a matter of 30 seconds." he said smirking. I nodded and was waiting. "you're beautiful. I'm seriously the luckiest guy in the world to have someone like you. I don't understand the others broke up with you. you're amazing. also, I'm glad they did breakup with you cause if not, we wouldn't be here. you're amazing destiny. don't change for anyone. you're beautiful." he said with  serious face. "well thank you. and yeah I'd say that worked." I said blushing like crazy. "also! today is exactly 7 weeks since i got in a crash. and it's our 1 week." I said all happy. "I know. it's crazy. time flies. and happy 1 week aversary?" he said laughing. finally our food came.
"I'm starving." I said a little sarcastic.
after dinner I told jack I would pay but he refused for me to pay. so I at least left a good tip. when we got to the car, I patted my stomach & looked at Johnson. "I look pregnant." I said laughing. "with what? a food baby? I can't wait." he said laughing. "where to next?" I asked curious. "home. why? wanna go anywhere else? it's only 8." he said. "home is fine. I'm kinda ready to get this dress off and this food to digest." I said. "okay. well I want in the air conditioning. it's almost as hot as you. and you can't tell at me. were in a car. no one can hear us." he said grinning. "alright. I know you have a lot to say. so say it. I'm waiting on what you have to say. since you couldn't say it in the restaurant." I said looking at him while grabbing his hand. "okay. well I must say, you're really fucking hot in that dress. plus why don't you just leave the dress off when we get home?" he asked smirking at me. god he's so hot. "well thank you. and I probably will. it's hot as hell." I said smiling. "you know it's pretty late, I got another idea." he said looking at me. "keep your eyes on the road and oh yeah. what's your other ideas?" I asked. "a hotel. to swim." he said. I nodded and agreed to go to a hotel. but we'd have to go get some clothes and my bathing suit. & jack knew that so we went home really fast. I ran inside and got everything we needed. my bathing suit, jacks swimming trunks, a change if clothes for me, and a change of clothes for jack. I also grabbed another pair of shoes so I didn't have to wear these heels anymore. I walked out without waking anyone up and went back to the car.

at the hotel, I hurried up and went to the room before jack could because I wanted to already be in my bathing suit when he got there. I ran to the bathroom before jack seen. he quickly followed me to our room and started to look for me. "awwww come on destiny.  that's not fair!" I heard him scream in the room. he knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm not in here!" I said laughing. "oh. I got you now!" he screamed before opening the door. I was in my top and I was getting ready to put my bottoms on. before he grabbed me, I put my bottoms on. "hold on. let me pull my hair up!" I said. "no holding on anymore. come on let's go! I need to change too!" he said. I nodded and got out of the bathroom with my clothes. I threw them on the bed and waited on jack. I was sitting on one bed listening to music while playing a game on my phone.

after a good 10 minutes, jack came out of the bathroom in his swimming trunks. I pretended that he wasn't there and I stayed on my phone. "destiny." jack said. "jack." I said mimicking him. "let's go swimming now!" he said picking me up off the bed. "okay! hold on. I have to put my phone on the charger." I said him while trying to get out of his grip. he set me down and I put my phone on charge. the. we went down and went swimming.

after we went swimming we went back up to the room and as soon as I sat on the bed and I instantly was almost asleep. then jack came in bed and curled up next to me. we were still in our swim suits when we laid in bed. "destiny." jack said pulling me closer to him. "yeah jack?" I asked while turning to face him. "I love you and you know that right?" he asked me. "yeah I know that. why?" I asked getting a little worried. "because I just wanted to make sure that you knew that. even though we don't say it to each other." he said. "jack. I love you. that's not going to change." I said looking up at him. "I love you too destiny. that won't change either." he said smiling. "okay good. now goodnight." I said before kissing him. he didn't hesitate to kiss back. he pulled us away and he tucked my hair behind my ear. "destiny. I love you. you're perfect. you don't understand how glad I am to call you mine. if only you weren't tired right now. I love you goodnight." he said catching his breath. "I love you too jack. you're amazing. you're the best thing that's happened to me. I'm so glad I can call you mine as well. and yes I am really tired. sorry. but I love you too goodnight." I told him before kissing his cheek. then I fell into a deep sleep after jack pulled me really close to him.
well I don't think this is an amazing chapter but oh well. let me know what you guys think of the book!

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