thirty seven.

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A/N: this will be in Johnson's and Destinys POV.

when I woke up the next day, destiny wasn't beside me. there was a note though. 'I went to make breakfast. Gilinsky helped me out of bed without waking you up. I'm making bacon, eggs, pancakes & toast. when you get up, come eat. -destiny' I was relieved to know she was making food and not somewhere else. I got up and stretched. I could smell the food already. it smelt so good. I went to the kitchen and destiny just got done with the food. she was standing by the counter and holding on trying so hard not to step wrong and her slip. I walked up behind her with plates and whispered in her ear "hey, I got the plates."  since Gilinsky fell asleep on the couch I didn't want to be loud. Taylor was also asleep. "thank you. you have no idea how much help I needed." she whispered. "here sit down in your wheel chair. I'll get the plates made." I told her. she nodded and thanked me. I got her plate first and pushed here over to the table and she started eating. I made gilinskys and Taylor's plates and then woke them up. when Taylor woke up he shot his head toward the kitchen and smiled. I pushed him over to the table an Gilinsky got up an went to eat. I got my plate last and sat by destiny. "thank you to whoever make the food it's so good." Taylor said. "you're welcome Taylor." destiny said. "you made food?" Taylor asked. "yeah why? I didn't hurt myself I'm alright." she said. Taylor nodded and finished his plate. when everyone else was done, I put the plates in the sink and pushed destiny an Taylor over to the living room. "so, I want this cast off. can we please go to the doctor?" destiny asked me. "yeah let's go. they called me earlier and said you need to get to the orthopedic doctor." I said. "okay, can I wear your sweatpants?" she asked me. I said yeah and went to get them. when I did get them, I went downstairs and she slipped them on over her shorts. then we drove or I drove to the orthopedic doctor.

-at the doctor-
when we got there, they took Destinys picture and then took her to the back room.  we sat there and waited for the doctor. as we were waiting, I grabbed a doctor glove and I blew it up like I was a five year old. "look it's a turkey. gobble gobble." I said. destiny looked at me and laughed really hard. then not even a minute later the doctor came in. "so, your foots not even fractured anymore. you can walk on it but be careful. and your wrist is still fractured so you'll have to wear this. it's a type of cast to where you can't move your wrist at all." the doctor told her. he looked kinda bitchy. I didn't like him. "okay, thank you. can we leave now?" destiny asked. "we have to get this cast off your leg." he said. she nodded and they brought in a lot of tools. it took about 30 minutes to get it off. "okay, good luck. and please check out." he said smiling. when we got to the car I looked at destiny. "please check out." I said mimicking him in a bitchy way. she died laughing after that. her laugh made me laugh so we were in the parking lot laughing for at least 10 minutes before we left. "hey, at least I can walk now." she said happy. "yeah that's a plus." I said. the whole ride to Taylor's was us singing and laughing. I really didn't want to see her like this anymore. I wanted to see the old her. "so can we get serious for a while?" I asked. "what do you mean?" she asked.
(I know you sang it like justin did.)
"can we talk about just life." I asked. "yeah. whatcha wanna talk about?" she asked me. "so, I need to tell you something." i told her nervously. she nodded and was waiting. I pulled over into an empty parking lot. I turned to her. "okay, I know you don't remember anything but I don't care. I have been waiting forever to tell you this like I was waiting for almost 4 years to tell you this. I really like you destiny. I have liked you since I seen you in the mall almost 4 years ago. you were in forever 21 and I was with Taylor. that's when we first met. you were friends with Taylor then. and I still like you. even though you got in a car crash and lost your memory, I still like you. I've been here for you. we used to text all the time. when you and Nash or you and Blake got in a fight you texted me. I really wanted to say how much I like you and that I can treat you better than them. I just really like you destiny..." I told her waiting for an answer.
(listen to the song Amnesia by Five Seconds of Summer. it goes along with this part.)
"I um. I don't know what to say. I like you too jack. I've liked you since I was in the hospital. I was holding you and Taylor so tight because I like Taylor as a bestfriend. I don't want to lose him. I was holing onto you because I didn't want to lose you like I did with Cameron. he has a girlfriend and I don't see him ever. I don't want that to happen with you. I really like you. I just don't know if we should try because I just lost my memory almost five weeks ago and I'm afraid that I'll lose it again and forget everything again. yes I remember who you are and I kinda remember everything else. but it will take time to get my full memory back. but yes I do like you too a lot. an I'm glad you told me that. I can keep acting like I don't. cause i do like you." she said. "oh. so you do like me also?" I asked. "yeah." is all she said. I smiled really big. "I just think that we sh-" I all she could get out before I kissed her. her lips are like drugs to me. I've been waiting for 4 years to do this. our lips moved together. I brushed my tongue on her bottom lip asking for permission. she parted her mouth a little and she let me take control. I cupped her face in my hands. then she put her hand on my chest and pulled away. "jack, we can't do this." she sad with her breath a little heavy. "I know jus-" is all I said before she kissed me. she put her hands around my neck and tugged my hair a little. I did the same thing and asked for permission. she still let me take control. god she's amazing. she's a drug to me. easy to get attached to but hard to put down. she stopped again and put her forehead on mine. "jack.." she said breathing hard. "destiny.." I said catching my breath. "we can't anymore. alright. not till I get more memory back. I don't want to get hurt." she said while catching her breath also. "alright. one more time?" I asked. "no jack, just this." she said while kissing my cheek. I nodded and just sat there for a minute.

~destiny POV.~
"Listen, I know we don't know each other that well but I like you. That's why I said I guess when the guys asked if we were a thing." Nash said. "I've liked you for a long time, I've just never been able to meet you." I said.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Olivia and Matthew yelled in my ear. "Morning." I said. Then I felt the car jerk over. I looked at Nash and he fell asleep! "NASH! WAKE UP WERE GOING TO CRASH!" I yelled. He didn't answer. "NASH!!!!!" I cried. "Olivia!" I scream because she's pregnant. "THIS CANT HAPPEN! WAKE UP! OLIVIA! MATTHEW! NASH! SOMEONE ANSWER ME!" I scream while looking at everyone while screaming everyone's name. Everyone was almost knocked out. I heard Olivia scream "NASH WAKE THE HELL UP! You can't crash! I have a fucking baby on the way! Just wake up please!" While she's balling her eyes out. then later I woke up. it was a dream.'

"oh my god destiny there's Taylor Caniff and Jack Johnson! let's go get a picture!" Olivia said to me. we walked over to them. "hey Taylor." I said. "Destiny! where have you been?! I missed you!" Taylor said while hugging me. I couldn't think straight with Johnson standing right there he's so cute. I have a crush on him and Nash though. "this is my sister Olivia. she is in love with you." I told him. "oh, I almost forgot. this is Jack Johnson.  Johnson this is destiny and I guess her sister Olivia." Taylor said.

while Johnson kissed me, so many memories came back. I remember when we first met. I remember the dream. I remember what Nash told me. I remember. "I have to tell you something Johnson." I said nervously. he nodded and waited "when you kissed me, I had a few flashbacks.  I remember what Nash told m when he liked me. I remember a dream I had that was months ago, and I remember the day we met at the mall. I remember." I said scared to see what he's going to say. "you remember the day we met?" he asked smiling. "yeah I seen you and Taylor at the mall while I was in forever 21. I walked over and started talking to Taylor. I introduced you to Olivia and I introduced taylor to Olivia. then Taylor introduced us. after that we all started walking around together. we had to stop so people could take pictures though." I said. "yeah. that's exactly what happened. this is great news destiny." he said smiling. finally we got to Taylor's. I walked in and went to my room. I flopped onto my bed and kicked my shoe off since I only had one on.
(A/N: listen to Memories by Shawn Mendes.)

I looked around the room and seen my shirt the boys signed and the pictures of all of us. I got up and went to the pictures.

I seen one of me and Olivia. we looked like we were around 13. our hands spelled out love. he picture next to it was of me and her at the beach. we were in the middle of our back handsprings. there were so many of us at the beach. then more memories came to me.

that day at the beach. the day we took the love picture. the day we just took pictures all day.

I looked around and seen the pictures of me and Nash. that's when my memories were coming back the most.

the first day on the plane. the auditions for the voice. the first week of us being together and the worst memory. when he got me pregnant and I had a miscarriage. I had my memory back.

I remembered everything. I remembered the night if the crash.

we all left and some idiot hit my side. glass flew everywhere. I hurried and sat on my bed.

I brought my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes. I was remembering the night of the crash.

then I started screaming and crying. I remember all the pain all the glass everywhere. I remember looking at Taylor and blood was running down his head. "TAYLOR!" I screamed. I was crying and kicking and screaming in my room.

I heard people running to my room screaming my name. someone busted my door down. I look up and jack Johnson running to my side. "G! HAND ME HER INHALER! SHES HAVING AN ANXIETY ATTACK! SHE CANT BREATH!" he screamed. "destiny. open your mouth." he commanded. I did as he said and he gave me my inhaler. "calm down. you're okay. I'm right here destiny. you're okay." Johnson said
so, destiny had an anxiety attack after remembering everything. she remembered the night if the crash which made her go crazy.

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