twenty eight.

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•Olivia's POV•
I woke up the next morning to Matthew not here. So I decided to text him.
Me- Hey where are you. it's noon.
Matt- Uh. I had somewhere to be.
Me- Okay. Why can't you tell me?
Matt- Because I don't want to.
Me- Whatever. I'm not in the mood for fighting with you today.
Matt- Good. I'll be home later.
Me- K. Bye.
After I texted him, I had to pee. I went in the bathroom and blood was on my pants. Great. I called Destiny.
Me- Destiny. Something's wrong. I'm bleeding but I'm pregnant. Where are you.
Destiny- Indiana. Umm I'll be there tomorrow. Swear. I'll leave tonight. Have dad drive you to the hospital.
Me- okay. hurry.
*End of conversation.*
I screamed for my dad and we went to the hospital. While I was on my way to the hospital, Matt texted me.
Matthew ❤️❤️- Hey I've been gone because I've been smoking weed. I'm sorry. I know you don't want that for the baby. I'm addicted so I think it's best if we break up.
Well I'm single. I was in the car with dad and next thing I know I see black.

*The next day. Destiny's POV*
I arrived at the hospital with Blake. I ran to Olivia's room and dad told me everything. Shes going through what I went through. A miscarriage. I feel so bad for her. When I was at the hospital I heard someone say "where's Olivia Paige's room?" I walked outside and seen it was Simon, Weston, Nash, Matt, Cameron, Taylor, Aaron, Carter, Daniel, & Jacob. "Hey guys she's in here. Follow me." I told them. They followed me and they talked to Olivia. Cameron pulled me out into the hallway. "Destiny. We have a problem." He told me. "What's that and between who?" I asked "Well, Simon, Weston and Taylor have feelings for Olivia and me, Matt and Nash have feelings for Kasey." He said. "Well, knowing Olivia she will chose Taylor also good for you and the boys for having feelings for kasey. I'm fine with that but the only thing that I'm asking is if you get hurt, come talk to me first." I told him. "Okay. I will thank you. This is why I love you." Cameron told me. "Your welcome Cameron. I love you too." I said and I gave him a hug. I walked back into the room and sat down beside Olivia on her bed and was talking to her. "Hi, sorry for the interruption but anyone that's not family, can you please leave so she can get some rest? I will call you back in here in an hour." The nurse asked. They all said yeah and left. Then it was me and Olivia. "So Simon, Weston, and Taylor have feelings for you. Cameron, Matthew and Nash have feelings for Kasey and me and Blake are still together." I told her. She was sitting there shocked. "I've talked to Kasey. Me and her are friends." She said. I just said okay & I left. I let her get some rest. I walked out of the room and was talking to Blake. Next thing I know Nash is pulling me away from Blake. "Destiny. I'm sorry. Seeing you with Blake is killing me. I'm sorry." He said with hurt in his eye. "I'm sorry Nash but I know you have feelings for Kasey and I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy enough. You cheated on me twice. I-I'm sorry. I have to go." I told him and I started walking toward the front door. Blake started following me. I got in the drivers side and Blake got in the passenger side. He was asking me a lot of questions but I didn't answer him. I was thinking about all the times me and Nash had, all the jokes we played on each other. While thinking of all that, I started crying. I didn't miss Nash I just missed how close we were. I was crying into Blake's arms. When I got my shit together I was ready to go inside. I was outside for an hour and a half crying. I went into Olivia's room and was talking to her. She asked me so many times why I was crying and I wouldn't tell her. Finally it was time to take her home. I decided to just have her go with me, Weston, and Blake to Indiana. "Hey, I'll drive her to Indiana." Taylor told me. "No. I want to stay here with everyone else." Olivia said. Taylor and I said okay. Taylor drove her home. Me and Blake went back to the airport. The whole ride to the airport was us talking. "Destiny?" Blake asked me. "Yes babe?" I asked. "We've been together for almost 2 months." He said. "Oh my gosh I know! Blake I really like you." I told him. He looked over at me & smiled. "I really like you too." He said. When we got to the airport, we got through security and within 20 minutes, we were on the plane. I fell asleep on the plane laying on Blake's shoulder.
I know this chapter wasn't that good & that I haven't updated in a long time. Sorry! But the next chapter hopefully will be interesting.

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