eight. (Destinys POV)

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"Hey it's 4:30 in the afternoon. Are you gonna get up babe?" I heard. I opened my eyes and seen Nash was beside me waking me up. I turned toward him an cuddled against him. "Goodmorning." I said smiling. "How late were we up? And you never told me your favorite superhero. I just realized that. " He said. "I was up till 6:45. and my favorite superhero is superman. Why?" I asked him. "Superman ain't got nothing on me. You see what I did there babe? I quoted I'm only one call away. Was that good?" He asked. "Yes that was good and he doesn't have anything on you. I have to get up though. Kasey is going to be here in like twenty minutes." I told him. So I got out of bed and went in the living room. Seeing all the boys still sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and got a pan and a spoon. BANG! BANG! BANG! "Get your asses up! It's 4:40 in the afternoon!" I screamed. Which scared all of them. They got up finally. "Damn I love to wake up to you in your bathing suit every morning." Cameron said. "Watch it bitch!" Nash yelled from my room. I walked back into my room and got shorts, bra and underwear, a magcon shirt and sandals. I went to the bathroom and got dressed. I threw my hair into a pony tail after I straightened my hair so it was straight. By time I was done, Kasey was just arriving. I walked outside with all the boys and Olivia. Olivia stood by Matthew and Nash stood by me. The boys were all in like a group. Kasey got out of someone's car. The driver got out and seen it was Jay Craw. My crush when I was 12. Kasey walked right by him and held his hand. "There's your fucking prove right beside you." I looked at her and said. "You were drunk. You don't know what you were talking about." She said. "Okay. Taylor, did I get drunk last night or was I helping with all of you guys?" I asked Taylor. "You were helping with us, you didn't get drunk. You had a shot and a little vodka. Why?" Taylor said. "Now what bitch? I didn't get drunk. It was my 18th birthday last night and I wanted to have a party." I told her. She stepped forward and let go of Jayden's hand. I let go of Nash's hand and stepped forward too. "What the hell are you gonna do? Hit me because I proved a point. And here's more prove that Olivia and Matthew are dating. Their holding hands. He asked her out. Ask anybody. Oh and where's your other boyfriends that 'want you'? No where. The only person that likes you is Jayden and yeah I'm pissed your with him today. But, at least I don't go boy hopping. From Thomas, to Cade, to Andrew Johnson, to Andrew Woods, to Jaden Gay, back to Thomas and now to Jay. All within a what four months or is it three?" I asked. She started walking forward even more and was ready to swing. She swung at me and it hit me in the jaw. "oooohhhhhh. you just fucked up." Matthew and Olivia said together. I was going to hit her and I punched her straight in the jaw and she looked at me. I hit her in the jaw again and she fell to the ground. I got on top of her and wouldn't get off her until Nash pulled me off her. "Yeah now get the fuck up and talk shit more you fucking pussy ass bitch!" I told her. Then Jayden got in it. "Kasey are you okay? Oh my god your nose is swollen." He said. I laughed and went inside. "You put me on the ground. So I couldn't defend my self. Pussy fighting!" I heard Kasey scream. I walked back outside and said "What did you just say?" She looked at me and said "You heard me, I didn't stutter." I just laughed and hit her again. She went to hit me again and it hit my jaw again. This time, I didn't put her on the ground. She stayed up and still didn't defend herself. Finally when she said she was done, I looked at her and said "Yeah. Do something bitch. And get the fuck out of my yard you fucking whore." I told her as I pointed to the car. When she left, I went inside and looked at my jaw in the mirror. "Damn! Destiny kicked ass and I got it all on video!" Taylor screamed. I laughed and just put ice on my jaw. I walked out of the kitchen and sat by Nash. "Let me see your jaw." he said. I took the ice off and showed him. "It's nothing bad. A scratch or two." He said. "I'm going to start cleaning. Love you." I told him and got up. I put all the blankets that were in the living room in the closet. I put all the alcohol in the fridge, put my table in my room, cleaned up the shot glasses, and cleaned the kitchen table off. By the time I was done, it was almost six. Everyone was still in the same places they were when I started cleaning. I went to the couch and sat by Nash again. "I'm so exhausted." I told him. "Well go take a nap." He said in a silly voice. "come with me?" I asked him. He said okay and got up as so did I. We went to my room and laid on the be. "My party last night was funny." I told him. "Yeah and you kicking that girls ass was funny this morning." He said. I laughed and cuddled up to him. God I love him. After I pulled the covers up to us, I laid on his chest, and fell asleep for a little nap.
Let me know if you guys like it or not. I'd rather hear if you guys like it. Enjoy! 😜

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