twenty one.

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It was time to see if I was pregnant. I looked at it and it had...
I looked at the test to see two pink lines. I looked up at Olivia and started crying. "I'm hav-having a baby!" I managed to get out. "Oh my fucking god! I'm so excited!" Olivia said screaming. I finally got all my shit together and started driving back to my house. "Nash is going to be so happy!" Is all Olivia said all the way there. I nod and smile. When we got to the house, I went to find Nash. When I found him, I pulled him to the bathroom with my pregnancy test behind my back. "What's up babe?" Nash asked smirking. I slowly pull the pregnancy test out scared for his reaction. I handed it to him and he sits there looking at it. Not even thirty seconds later he smiles real big. "I'm going to be a dad!" He screams so everyone can hear. "And I'm going to be a mom." I said happy that he's excited. We walk out of the bathroom and he has the biggest smile ever. I sit on the couch and look at my pregnancy test. Smiling knowing that in nine months, I'll be holing my baby in front of me. "IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" I hear almost all the boys say. Nash counts them as brothers. That's adorable. They all ran into the living room. "Is it true?" Cameron asked all excited. I handed him the pregnancy test and he had the biggest smile on his "Olivia's pregnant to you know?" I asked. "We know we freaked out like this but were freakin out more with you than her for some reason." Aaron told me. I sat there holding my stomach smiling. Wondering what my baby will look like. "The beach again?" I asked smiling at everyone. "Let go mom to be!" Taylor yelled. "Olivia! Matthew!" I yell. "Yeah we heard. We're getting ready." Olivia said. I said okay and went to get my bathing suit. I walked into my room and got my bathing suit I wore earlier. I also grabbed clothes to throw on. I feel someone behind me so I turn around to find Matthew. "Congratulations." He said smiling. "Thank you. I can't wait till your baby is here." I said. "Your welcome and thank you. I can't wait till my niece or nephew is here either." He said. I smiled as hugged him. I went to the bathroom after our hug and got my bathing suit on. Olivia put here on and took off her makeup. Her bathing suit showed a little and I mean little bump. I guess she was almost two months pregnant. I got my flip flops and was ready. I waited for everyone else to get ready and then we left.
At the beach, I actually wanted to swim. I got in the water and stayed by Nash the whole time. "You have no idea how excited I am." Nash told me while standing behind me holding my waist. "You can tell how excited you are. I can't wait to come home from work to see you and the baby on the couch asleep." I said smiling. "Me either. You're my world and this baby is just a bonus." Nash said. "Thank you. You're my world also and there is nothing I would change." I said smiling. He just smiled and held me beside him for what seemed like forever. I never wanted to leave his arms. He had his hands on my stomach and my hands were on top of his. He was absolutely perfect.

Nash's POV•
I'm going to be a dad. I'm so excited. Destiny is my world and I love her soooo much. I have an idea. "Hey I'll be right back. I love you." I told Destiny before kissing her and swimming over to Cameron. "Cam. I'm going to ask Destiny to be my wife. Help me plan it out?" I asked him scared for his response. "Alright. We got this." He said smiling. "Alright, you should make sure everyone isn't at the beach when you do. Make a rose peddle path so she will have to walk at least a few minutes. At the end, leave a note in a bottle with what you think." Cameron said. He had really good advise. I had to get a ring and I had to get all the guys in. I told everyone it was going to happen tomorrow morning. They all said okay. I went back over to Destiny and we talked about when we should get a doctored appointment and stuff like that. After a while we went to her house. She curled up in bed and we laid our hands on her stomach enjoying the moment until she fell asleep in my arms holding our baby.

I hope you like the book so far! Let me know if she should have a boy or girl! I know it's not a long chapter but I hope it was good!

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