fourty one.

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A/N: this will be in Destinys POV.

when I woke up the next morning, I looked beside me to see a shirtless Johnson. he had little snores coming out of his mouth. "you're so cute when you're sleeping." I whispered to him. I kissed his forehead and got up without waking him up. I went to the closet and got one of jacks cut shirts and his basketball shorts. I went to my side of the bed and got a piece of paper.  I wrote down 'went to get a shower, then going to make breakfast. -destiny.' I put it on the pillow and went toward the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. then I remembered I forgot my phone so i unlocked the door really fast and ran into the room and got my phone, charger, and speaker. I went back in the bathroom and plugged in my phone and connected it to my speaker. I turned on Amnesia by Five Seconds of Summer. I turned the water on and waited for it to get warm. when it did, I got undressed and got in the shower.

I let the warm water hit my back for a minute then I got my hair wet. I washed my hair, washed my body, and shaved my legs. then after at least 30 minutes, I decided to get out and get dressed. I put on my underwear, my spandex then jacks shorts. after that, I put on my sports bra and one of jacks cut shirts. I picked up the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. after I was done, I got my stuff and unlocked the door and seen if jack was still sleeping. he was so I walked over it him and kissed his cheek. a little smile appeared on his face. i smiled and walked out of the room being as quiet as I can be. on my way to the kitchen, I bumped into Maddison. "oh hey destiny." she said looking at what I was wearing. "hey Maddison. and yeah I'm wearing Johnson's clothes. but we didn't have sex I promise. I just got out of the shower." I said laughing. "oh! makes sense. I'm wearing jacks clothes also. but we kinda did last night." she said laughing. "I know jack heard you guys. but anyways, want to help me make breakfast for everyone?" I asked her. "yeah. that's what I was coming to do actually." she said smiling. "okay well let's go!" I said. when we got to the kitchen, we got out everything we needed. pancake mix, bacon, bread, eggs, and cinnamon rolls.

we started cooking and Maddison ran and got her speaker. "want to listen to the jacks songs?" she asked me. "yeah sure what song?" I looked at her. she just smiled and turned on Like That. we started dancing and singing. she sang gilinskys part, I rapped Johnson's part and we both rapped skates part. it was really cool. we both were dancing and talking about the guys. finally Olivia joined us. she was in Taylor's clothes also. "well, everyone got laid last night but me." I said laughing. Olivia started laughing and made toast for everyone.

it was almost 1 in the afternoon and we started cooking at 12:30. the food got done at 1:15 and we made everyone's plates. "okay, so let's go wake the boys up before their breakfast gets cold." Maddison said with a smile on her face. we all went to our own rooms an woke the boys up.
"hey, Johnson. time to get up. the girls made breakfast." i said while shaking him a little. "Johnsonnnnnn." I said while holding out the 'n'. "what." he said in his morning voice. "the girls made breakfast. get up and come eat." I said trying to wake him up. it wasn't working. I leaned in and kissed him. he didn't hesitate to kiss back. I knew he was awake now. I pulled away and got up. "get up! come eat!" I said while getting on the bed jumping. "fine. hold on." he said smiling. I nodded and helped him out of bed. "you're wearing my clothes?!" he asked all upset. "yes." I said grabbing my glasses and walking out of the room. I went to the kitchen to find Taylor, Olivia, and Maddison there. "where's Gilinsky?" I asked. "he had to piss. but the food is amazing thanks girls." Taylor said stuffing his face. "okay. and you're welcome. jack will be here in a minute he's still getting up." I said smiling. I sat down beside Taylor cause there was no other seat so I couldn't sit by the girls. so it went johnson, me, Taylor, olivia, Maddison, then Gilinsky. that is after the jacks joined us.

after breakfast, we all sat in the living room and watched netflix. it was a rainy day so we didn't want to do anything. "let's watch Orange is the New Black?" Maddison asked. "okay, start at season one!" I said. everyone else was so confused. they asked so many questions. "shhh. watch the show. you'll understand eventually." I told jack. on the couch, it was me, jack, Olivia and Taylor. Maddison and Gilinsky got the air mattress out and sat on it. I'm not going to lie, Maddison is really pretty and really funny.

"well, I'm getting tired. we have watched almost two and a half seasons which is like over 3 hours." Maddison said laughing. "okay, well go to bed if you're tired?" I said laughing at her. "okay well I will be up later!" she said while getting up off the floor. she walked to her room and short after, Gilinsky followed her. I knew what the were going to do. they were going to cuddle which I thought was funny. cause they were cuddling the whole time. it was cute though. "this makes no sense what so ever. how do you understand this shit?" jack asked me. "I don't know. I just do. but shhh." I told him. "I'm going to watch something better in my room. Olivia you coming?" Taylor asked. she nodded and got up. since there was more room on the couch, Johnson spread out a little more. when he spread out, I laid down on the couch. my head was on his lap an my feet were on the other end. "really?!" he asked. "what are you talking about?" I asked laughing "you put your hair up!" he said. I huffed and put it down. he clapped his hands and got excited like a little kid. he sat there and played with my hair.
"can I braid it?" he asked me. "yeah I don't care." I said. he started braiding my hair. it felt like it looked okay. so while he was braiding my hair, I watched the rest of Orange is The New Black.
"so, destiny." he said kinda curious. "yes jack?" i said. "um what do you have planned for tomorrow night?" he asked me. I wanted to say, I'm stuck with your ass but i didn't. "nothing. why?" i asked. "cause I made plans for us. just me and you. not everyone. just us." he said. I could tell he was smiling. "is it fancy or casual?" I asked wondering what he had planned. "fancy." he said. I turned toward him and he was smiling really big. "you're so cute when you smile." I said laughing. "okay, so I will pick out something for you to wear tomorrow night. you don't chose I do. and wear your dark makeup. or as I call it, hot as fuck makeup. please!" he said asking like a little kid. "okay I'll let you pick out what I'm wearing and I will do my dark makeup." I said rolling my eyes. "don't roll your eyes at me. it makes me think you're mad at me." jack said pouting. "if I was mad at you, would I do this?" I asked as sat up. I leaned in and kissed him. I pulled away and went back to laying on his lap. "probably not. but I'm probably going to fall asleep right here. so let me lay down please!" he asked. I sat up and let him lay down. I laid down right next to him and within a matter or twenty minutes I was asleep.
can anyone guess where they are going?

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